(5) 45 years old. Previously secretary, and current account manager and business devlopper in a medical/company tele-secretariat, she is dynamic, organized, likes technology and is looking for newest technological trends to improve the work quality and to make the secrataries work easier. She is people-skilled, empathic,
Value: Flexibility, performance
Work needs: IT tools like agendas online are mandatorily required in order to meet the demand of their clients and be effective. A non-intrusive communication (like a chat) possibility with the clients is also needed. The tool has to be quick (because cost-effective and to reduce telephone waiting time - the time is one of the metrics they are measuring!), intuitive, stable, secure. Secretaries are dealing with a high volume of calls. Measure the numbers of calls, number of sent reminders, number of booked appointments ... needed reporting metrics for the manager for the factoration!
Frustrations: In general the reporting of metrics is sometimes a challenge and difficult (see the last point in work needs for the account manager).
Motivation: The tool has to meet all the mentioned work needs and the relationship with the solution supplier has to be very strong - trustworthy relationship (that's why partnership). The partners has to be good listener in order to find/ implement solutions if needed and has to be flexible. A solution that allows to work quickly and the "customer" service and support is then the key and crucial.
Key words: solution d'agenda telesecreatariat, logiciel agenda,
Customer journey: Get to know new solutions through their clients, search engine, social network, video presenation with a demo is very important to see the tool and the interface (colors, visual aspect very important). To enter into contact: Use of chatbot (because quite direct answer, really appreciated) or message on social network (facebook) to ask for a demo, eventually through a form to have a demo offline. For the moment not so much done in terms of testimonials (because a lot of things are done word of mouth at the moment) but clearly testimonials and stories through videos is very important nowadays and could be done but it is not done yet.