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Spanish- Free time and School - Coggle Diagram
Spanish- Free time and School
Un campo de futbol- A football pitch/field
Una piscina- a pool
Un patio- a playground
Unos vestuarios- Some cloakrooms
Unas aulas- some classrooms
Pizarras interactivas- interactive whiteboards
un comedor- a canteen
un gimnasio- a gym
un salon de actos- a hall
una biblioteca- a library
una pista de tenis- a tennis court
una pista de atletismo- an athletics track
una sala de profesores- a staff room
Unos laboratorios- some science labs
antiguo/a- old fashioned
Moderno/a- modern
Bueno/a- good
grnade- big
pequeno- small
mixto- mixed
privado- private
publico- state
Util- useful
Inutil- useless
Entretenido- entertaining
Guay- cool
Dificil- difficult
Facil- easy
Hay- there is/are
No hay- there isn't/ aren't
Las clases empiezan a las- The classes start at
Ordenadores- computers
las clases terminan a las- The classes finish at
me aburre- it bores me
me gusta- I like
Me chifla- I love
se ma da bein- I'm good at
Me hace reir- it makes me laugh
se me da mal- I'm bad at
Me encanta- I love
los idiomas- languages
el comercio- business
dibujo- art
informatica- computing
tecnologia- DT
Free time
El alpinismo- climbing
El atletismo- Athletics
La equitacion- Horse riding
El futbol - Football
El esqui- Skiing
La gimnasia- Gymnastics
El criquet- Cricket
La nataction- Swimming
El ciclismo- Cycling
El patinaje- Skating
El boxeo- Boxing
Ek piraguismo- Canoeing
El baloncesto- Basketball
El tenis- Tennis
Andar/Caminar- To walk
Bailar- to dance
Correr- to run
Escalar- to climb
Ganar- to win
Esquiar- to climb
Nadar- to swim
Perder- to lose
Saltar- to jump
Participar- to participate
Time phrases
A veces- somtimes
Diariamente- daily
Nunca- never
Siempre- always
Regularmente- regularly
De vez en cuando- from time to time/ once in a while
Todos los dias- every day
Raramente- rarely
Past tense:
Jugue al tenis- I played tennis
Hice la natacion- I went swimming
Future tense:
Voy a jugar al tenis- I am going to play tennis
Voy a hacer la natacion- I am going to go swimming
Present tense:
Juego al tenis- I play tennis
Hago la natacion- I go swimming
Money/Pocket money
Si- if
Como- like, as
Tonto- silly
Cuanto dinero te dan tus padres?- How much moeny do your parents give you?
Gastar- to spend
Ahorrar- to save
Dar- to give
Ganar- to earn
How do you spend it?
Revista- magazines
Maquillaje- makeup
saldo para el movil- credit for my phone
Caramelos- sweets