Causes of the 1917 February Revolution
Tzar's Mistakes/politics
Loss of military support
Lack of Political Change
[Lynch] Length of War
17m Roubles spent on WWI between 1914-1917
Increase in Taxes (200% inflation on goods)
4m men killed in 1914 ALONE
15m men taken from countryside by 1917 & 36.7 million men were conscripted
Requisition of Farm horses and Supplies like fertilizer used for ammunition
Army Fed before Cities
Army used transport
Loss of Battles
Desertions due to poor organizations
Made himself Commander and Chief of the Army - Sept 1914
Progressive Doc
Brusilov Offensive
Supplies overlooked
Supplies sank into the ground at Archangel
Directly responsible for all battle losses
Ignored D's appeal to replace cabinet
Pressured the Tzar to 'change things'
Relieve casualties of war and their families
Formed to help war effort,
Proved there was a workable alternative
Success of the Union of Z, highlighted incompetence in Tzar
Left Tzarina in charge
Heavily influenced by Rasputin
Poor Govt.
Relied on him as cure for handicapped son
Led to increased opposition against the Tzar
Self proclaimed Holy man
Notorious for sexual excesses
Focus of Hatred for the tzarist system
Press was censored
Jealousy of Previous senior ministers
Tsarina relied on Rasputin to treat her Haemophiliac son
Difficult to defend Tsarist system when it was so easily taken over by a corrupt man
'leapfrog' changing of ministers during a time of crisis
1905 October manifesto save Tzar
Could not repeat the October manifesto, and lost trust of true Reform