Why can't Wake Up! diversify and increase their revenue streams
Lack of funds
Low visibility of the organisation
Lack of sponsorships, donations and/or grants
Increasing expenses
Limited attendance to events
Decreasing student memberships
No designated team within to source grants and sponsorships
No student incentive
Other social justice societies present greater benefits
Donors prefer to donate directly to charities
COVID restrictions have increased per head costs, thus venue hire costs
Limited resources and expertise.
COVID safe events are not as exciting and engaging
individuals were trying to practice covid safe rules
The target market's interests have changed over time
Student society are limited generally
Wake Up! is not highly regarded within UON
Lack of Marketing
not as many students on campus
Other societies dominating the market
Expertise of Wake Up's marketing team does not extend far
limited social media posts and platforms
Lack of engagement with their social media followers
lack of interesting content
Student's have limited time, especially if they are medical students
lack of editing/photography experience within the team
The society targets more medical students rather than business/marketing students
not enough events to post about
limited photographic content of the causes which Wake Up! advocates for
Limited tech experience
No IT team
More engaging events
provide better professional experiences. I.e. societies which directly target degrees
Not as interactive
Purpose of Wake Up! is broad, donors won't see the impacts of their donation directly
Wake Up! does not have a relationship with UON, therefore no student recognition