Law 47of November 20,1979, Salary Scale
Definition of Educators
The personnel who teach , direct or organize in official Educational institutions under the dependency of the Ministry of Education will have the denomination as an Educator.
Teacher Classification
Grade A
Teacher of special subject in Elementary General Basic and adult Edcation
Grade B
Grade Teacher in Elementary School
Grade C Teacher,Director whith degree in charge
Categories from D to U classifies teachers of Secondary Education ,Vpcational Teachers ,Primary Assisstant Principals , Supervisors ,between others
- The Monthly salary of the Educators in active service will be made up :
A. The base salary of the grade corresponding to the position in wich it is classified in accordance with the appoinment condition.
B. The bonuses already acquired
C. The bonuses that are subsequently obtained based on this law
D. The legally established compensations
- The salary scale of an Educator will consistof 22 Degrees in accordance whith the studies carried out.
Law 10 of July 5,1994
Establishes the salary policy of Educators and increases the bonuses of Educators who work in the Ministerio de Educación