
The Spanish habsburg dynasty

The religious wars

Economy and society in the 16th century

Craft industry

To retain their territorial patrimony through many wars

To defend Catholicism

They had more resources

The arrival of metals



The riches obtained from the Americas were not sufficient to finance their foreign policies, so they became indebted to Italian and German bankers

They took measures to preserve religious unity both in their territories and the whole of Europe

They were involved in many wars, but they don't know how to finance

This enriched the nobility

Began due to an increase in demands from the American territories

Had more resources, began to expand their territories. This make that the taxes start increasing

Continued to be based on the agriculture

They used the silver and gold to buy luxury products, but did not invest in production

Spanish culture in the 16th century






The most famous religious authors were mystics who wrote about their spiritual experiences

Garcilaso de la Vega was the most important poet

Novels contained realistic portrayals of daily life

Saint Teresa of Jesus

Saint Teresa of Jesus

The church and the monarchy used art to spread their ideas and values

The most important works of art were depictions of religious themes and portraits



which strove for harmony and serenity and was influenced by Italian art and Flemish painting

The works were expressive and had a dramatic quality

The Palace of Carlos V in the Alhambra in Granada by Pedro Machuca

Granada Cathedral by Diego de Siloé

Second third of the century

Jaén Cathedral and El Salvador Church in Úbeda, both by Andrés de Vandelvira

First third of the century

The facade of the Alcázar and the Bisagra Gate, both in Toledo, by Alonso de Covarrubias

Plateresque style dominated

Classicist or Purist style.

This style is characterised by ornate facades and was similar to the work that silversmiths produced at that time

This style faithfully reproduced the architectural characteristics of the Italian Renaissance

They tried to evoke intense feelings to reflect the dramatic situations in some of the passages of the Bible

Alonso Berruguete, who produced works such as The Sacrifice of Isaac and The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian

The adoption of the style of Mannerism, the faces of the sculptures became more expressive

Juan de Juni, who produced works such as The Entombment of Christ and The Virgen of Anguish

most important sculptures in the Classicist style are those by the Italians Leoni Leoni and his son Pompeo Leoni

Most important Spanish Renaissance paintings are those by Juan de Juanes

Ecce Homo

The Last Supper

The Italian Titian, the main portrait artist from the Venetian school, was Carlos V's court painter

From the middle of the century onwards, the influence of Michael Angelo and Mannerism was reflected in the use of elongated figures with dramatic expressions on their face


Child and Piety

In the last third of the century, the most important artist was El Greco, a Greek artist who worked in Toledo

His works are characterised by the drama and spirituality reflected on the faces of his subjects

Use of elongated figures, cool colours and dark tones






