Compare and Contrast Jovian and Terrestrial planets

Terrestrial Planets


All the planets follow an elliptical orbit

Are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

Inner planets are smaller in size than the outer planets

The inner planets have less moon than the outer planets

The inner planets have greater density than the outer planets

The inner planets have solid surfaces and thin or no atmosphere

The inner planets are closer to the Sun

Inner planets have slow rotations and fast orbits

Earth is the largest terrestrial planet

Inner planets are all made of cooled igneous rock with iron cores

None of the inner planets have rings

Mercury atmosphere has been boiled away by the sun

Jovian Planets

Are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Their composition are mostly gases, such as hydrogen

They are called gas giants because they are mostly made out of gas

Their atmosphere is mostly made out of hydrogen and helium

Uranus and Neptune are blue because of the Methane in their clouds

Their core is made out of hydrogen and liquid metallic hydrogen

They all have rings around them

only Saturn's rings are visible

Uranus and Neptune are called the ice giants

The Gas Giants are much less dense than the Terrestrial planets

The outer planets have many moons

Outer planets have fast rotations and slow orbits

They all share the same orbit plane

They are all spherical in shape