Today, the Earth has a different aspectaswhen it was formed around 4,470 millionsof years ago. At the beginning, it was like a pile of rocks whose interior had a lot of fire, so much thattheheat melted the whole planet.Little by little,the heat descended and allowedto form a stable crust. Millions of years took to dry the crust, which became solid. At the beginning,itdid not haveatmosphere or water, and it was still receiving many impacts of meteorites.In addition, the fire inside continued to flow in the form of incandescent lava through numerous cracks. That lava, when it cooled and consolidated, formed layers that gradually increased the thickness of the crust.Everything was in constantchanging, the fire from the center of the Earth continued comingout of the volcanoes and pieces of the crust moved causing gigantic earthquakes. All this violent interaction of fire, earth, air and water served to build the layers of soil, which became rich, while the surface was transformed with the passage of thousands of years.