Students were given four different pictures as prompts. They had to choose a favorite and create their original story using a storyboard.

-If students know what a story is.
-If students know the main elements of the story. (Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, End)

Group 1:
The 5 students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment correctly.

Group 3:
The 5 students appear to have limited knowledge about the topic.

Group 2:
The 12 students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their score, but need to develop higher-order thinking skills.

3 students who are struggling with the language and are at different reading levels.

2 students who have little to no comprehension of the topic and need to be tested further for special needs

  1. Students will be broken into small groups of four.
  1. Students will learn about each story element at a time and create a poster together. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.35.39
  1. Students will learn one element of the story at a time. (e.g. Character- read a book and identify the characters of the book.)
    Teach each story element one at a time using the same text and use it over multiple days. Students will read the book in a group. Rereading the text allows students to be reminded of the details.

1.In a group or pairs, students will use Time Connective Game to practice using time connectives.
Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 1.17.24

  1. Students will read a book together and each student will change one element of the story and create their own version.
  1. Students will watch a short film to discuss the characters in a group.
  1. Students will use story sequence worksheets that help them organize the events of a story. First, they will cut out the pictures and arrange them in the proper order. Then they will identify the main elements of the story. (Select a story that the students are familiar with in their native language.)
    Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.37.37

Students will work together with a support teacher.

  1. Students will practice organizing the story using nursery rhyme sequencing cards.
    Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 22.49.17
  1. Teach five finger retell strategy to help students recall the five key elements of a story using muscle memory. The support teacher will read a book to them. Then they will use their fingers to recount the story.
    Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 23.05.23

Teacher aide will work with this group.

Module 5 Unit 4 Activity 1:
Pre-assessment for Differentiating
by Erika Kifuku

Grade 1 Storytelling Unit

Formative Assessments


Students will watch a short film and retell the story using the storyboard to help them organize the events. They must describe the story elements they learned. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.26.26

Each day we focus on one specific story element. After discussion, students independently illustrate the story element and add a label or sentence. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.33.55

Formative assessments

Students will read a story from Epic! (audiobook). Then they will use their fingers to recount the story by telling the characters, the setting, the beginning, middle, and end of the story. They can record themselves on Seesaw. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 15.44.09 Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.51.28

Students will self-assess their pre-assessment. They will look for the story elements in their writing and label them with sticky notes. Then they will rewrite the story in their writing journal. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 9.59.28

Kahoot story elements questions. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 10.10.30

Formative assessments

Students will read a book together with the aide and retell the story using the five finger strategy on Seesaw. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 3.53.49

Kahoot story elements questions. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 10.10.30

Kahoot story elements questions. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 10.10.30

Recount Writing:
Students will record their recount writing and check over their work using the checklist. They will choose areas to work on for the next time and will look at their work critically with support from a teacher.
Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.37.20

Recount Writing:
Students will record their recount writing and check over their work using the checklist. They will choose areas to work on for the next time and will look at their work critically with support from a teacher. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.37.20

Recount Writing:
Students will record their recount writing and check over their work using the checklist. They will choose areas to work on for the next time and will look at their work critically in pairs. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.37.20

Recount Writing:
Students will record their recount writing and check over their work using the checklist. They will choose areas to work on for the next time and will look at their work critically. Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 12.37.20