Cardiovascular System
Phuong Phan
Period 5

Major Functions

  • carries oxygen to other parts of the body(tissues) when they need it through red blood cells
  • carry gas, nutrients, wastes around the body
  • helps with blood clots&blood flow

Regulates body temperature


4 Chambers

Receiving Chambers


Right Atrium

Left Atrium

  • gets deoxygenated blood from the body

3 veins empties
to this chamber

Vena Cava

Vena Cava

Coronary Sinus

carries blood from head, neck, arms, chest

carries from lower body(legs)

blood from coronary veins

had auricles(increases blood volume)

Receives oxygenated blood

Veins empty into this

Left Pulmonary veins

Pulmonary Veins

carries oxygenated blood
from left lung

Carries oxygenated from
right side of lungs

Right ventricles

receives blood from the right atrium

pumps blood into pulmonary arteries

Pumps blood to lungs to exchange gas

Atrioventricular Valves

flaps that prevent backflow into atrium

Tricuspid Valve

3 cusps

between right atrium and right ventricle

prevents backflow into right atrium

Semilunar valves:

Atrioventricular valve

Mitral/Biscuspid Valve

2 cusps

prevent backflow
of blood into left atrium

prevents backflow of
blood from arteries to ventricles

2 kinds

Pulmonary semilunar valve for right ventricle

Aortic Semilunar Valve: left ventricle to arteries

Left Ventricles

Receives oxygenated blood from left atrium

pumps blood to aorta

Chordae tendinae

anchors AV valves and hold them

Papillary Muscles

Anchors chordae tendinae

prevents flaps from going back to atrium


Goes through aortic semilunar valve to get to aorta artery

Layers of Heart




outermost layer of heart

also called visceral layer

Thickest middle layer

looks like a spiral bundle

it's the layer that separates
the left and right chambers

Innermost layer

lines heart chambers

Blood Flow


Coordinates heartbeat

of the heart

Sequence of

  1. Sinoatrial node
  1. AV Node

pacemaker of right atrium

impulse spread to AV node

receives signals from SA node

pass them on to the AV bundle

  1. AV Bundle
    (Bundle of His)
  • left and right branches

conducts impulses to apex

4.Purkinje Fibers

passed signals to ventricular myocardium
and ventricular walls

  1. Right ventricle
  1. Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
  1. Tricuspid Valve
  1. Pulmonary trunk
  1. Pulmonary artery
  1. Right Atrium

Superior/inferior vena cava, coronary sinus


blood is carried by these veins into the right atrium

  1. Pulmonary
  1. Left Atrium
  1. Bicuspid/mitral valve
  1. Left Ventricle
  1. Aortic Semilunar valve
  1. Aorta
  1. systemic ciruit

Carries oxygenated
blood to the left atrium


Monitor heart activity

Main parts:

T- Wave

P-R interval

QRS complex

S-T interval


Q-T interval

Atrium depolarization aka contracting

Ventricular depolarization&Atrial repolarization

Ventricular repolarization(relax ventricles)

time of atrial excitation to ventricular excitation

when myocardium is depolarized

beginning of ventricular depolarization to its repolarization

Blood Vessels

Pulmonary Circulation

Systemic Circulation

loops that run heart to lungs
and back to heart ONLY

Loops that runs from heart
to ALL parts of body
and back to heart

valves opens and allows blood to go down right ventricle

pumps blood to pulmonary artery

delivery system for blood circulation




carries blood away from heart

oxygenated except for pulmonary circuit

carries blood towards heart
(deoxygenated except pulmonary circuit)

deep, thicker walls

deep and superficial

contact with tissue cells

serve needs for them

Structures of
Blood Vessels

3 layers(walls)Arteries and Veins

Tunica externa

Tunice media

Tunica intima

innermost layer

reduces friction

consists of endothelium(simple squamous CT) that lines lumen

subendothelial layer or basement membrane

middle layer that are smooth muscles and elastin sheets(bulky)



increase lumen diameter

Decrease lumen diameter


loose collagen fibers

protect/reinforce/anchor wall

thinner walls and large lumen


only one layer
tunica intima

Capillaries Bed

connect veins/arteries

has valves

no valves

allows diffusion of gas, wastes,nutrients

no valves

one cell thin

thin lumen

Cardiac Cycle

blood flow of heart in one heartbeat



heart contraction

heart relaxation

venous flow into right atrium then goes into right ventricle

Blood is sent to the lungs via pulmonary artery

Blood exchange gases, and returns to left atrium via pulmonary veins

Blood goes to left ventricle with mitral valves opening

Blood goes to aorta and gets distributed throughout the body

Heart Disorders

Heart Failure


Hypovolemic shock

huge blood loss

vessels doesn't circulate blood efficiently, so inadequate

blood pressure is too high for artery walls

top number of blood pressure

bottom number

Myocardial infarctions

coronary blockage

blood flow are blocked to the heart