Emotional Intelligence and its Pillars
Intrapersonal Intelligence
It is the ability to form a realistic and accurate model of oneself, thus having access to our own feelings and using them as guides in our behavior
Interpersonal intelligence
It is the ability to understand others, know what motivates them, understand how they operate, have the ability to recognize and react to the mood, temperament and emotions of others
Emotional intelligence
It is the ability to recognize one's own feelings, emotions or moods
Mental balance
Ability to control our temper to avoid deleterious effects, such as anger or rage
It is the ability to induce our emotions and positive moods, such as confidence, enthusiasm and optimism. This means attributing failure to the situation, not ourselves, and encouraging ourselves to do it again.
Impulse control
It deals with the ability to postpone the fulfillment of a wish for the sake of a goal
It has to do with knowledge, control of emotions and moods, in relation to others
Aspects of emotional intelligence
Know your own emotions
It refers to being aware of yourself, acknowledging the feeling while it is happening. The ability to recognize real feelings, symbolize them, and name them correctly
Managing emotions
Try to manage your own feelings and their appropriate expression, such as learning to have a certain emotional distance from the emotions derived from failures such as irritability, anxiety and melancholy
Intrinsic motivation
It is self-mastery and self-motivation, allowing long-term goals, facing tasks with a level of emotional fluidity, harmony and absence of anxiety, promoting greater efficiency in performance
Recognize emotions of others
It is empathy or the ability to connect with the needs and feelings of others, being a fundamental skill in people. If you have these skills you can achieve success in personal and professional life, because you will establish personal contacts of cooperation and understanding with others