“They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.” (IBO, 2006, pg. 5) and, “They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.” (IBO, 2006, pg.5). These two statements taken from the IB learner profile show the profile’s commitment to developing students into inter-culturally sensitive and internationally collaborative global citizens (IBO, 2006). This is the primary focus of the IB learner profile and is an essential characteristic of a 21st century learner (NEA, 2010). Striving to become an IB learner will encourage the development of 21st century skills as all are directly correlated to necessary skills needed by any student in modern and future society.