Consumer Decision Journey for MEDIMIX
Natasha, a 26 year old, living in Pune, who is a skincare enthusiast who believes in curing her skin issues through natural, herbal products. She also uses germ-free hanwashes for the protection of her family. She belongs to a middle class family and earns around 40,000 p.m.
Active Evaluation
t4: Benefits are more than other soaps
t5: Avalaibility of this soap
t3: Price point is medium
t6: Intention to try out a sample
t2: Last minute recall episode
t7: Giveaways
t1: Direct Reccomendation
Saw new soap in the soap rack : t16
Packaging looked something new and attractive : t17
ads in Newspapers / Editorials : t15
Youtube videos : t18
Checked it in a Beauty programme :t14
Influencers and bloggers : t19
Found the Ingredients of soap good :t13
Recommendations by doctors : t20
Natasha tends to have simple, acne, etc on skin and hence checked this soap : t12
Word of mouth publicity : t21
used at someone's house :t11
The products she used till now was not helpful and hence the need to buy :t22
google helped her come across this :t10
Discounts / offers grabbed he attention :t23
exisisting soap got over and hence in search of other new and better soaps: t9
Recommendations by close friends with same issues. :t24
Shopkeeper suggesting this brand :t8
Intial Consideration set
t27: Beliefs that herbal and Ayurvedic are better
t28: Online reviews and testimonials
t26: Alternatives to soap bars
t29: Free samples received
t25: Comparing ingridients
t30: the choices avalaible right now seem to better
Moment of Purchase
Modes of payments availaible :t33
Regression to old/new brands :t32
New information regarding the brand :t31
Service at store :t35
Post Purchase Experience
t38: Satisfaction of needs
t39: Further reccomdeations and discussions
t37: Easy return policy
t40: Exceeded expectations such as increase in quantitiy
t36: Justifying the choice
Loyalty Loop
Biased Intial Consideration Set
Loyalty Triggers
Other loyalty behaviour
The overall expierience
t43: Usage of product
t44: Sensory and feel of product
t42: Did it last enough
t45: Did she feel the value worth
t41: Design of the product
t47: Gifting it to someone
t48: Talking to other people
t46: Discussing it with other people
t50: Following on social media handles
t51: Recommending it to others by putting up a story or through mouth publicity
t49: Posting about the product on social media page
t53: Finding it better than other brands
t52: Great TOMR
Purchase interruptions like an emergency call :t34
t54: Skin started getting better
t57: Reduction of alternative and started buying the Medimix handwash
t55: Packaging kept the soap intact even after usage
t56: The expectations of quality matched
Badmouthing the product
t84: Not buying it again and spreading a wrong word about the brand
t83: Getting added to grocery list by default
t82: Quantity increased
PoP Promotions (the point of purchase was quite attractive) :t58
Read a poster on the bus while travelling :t61
Her Mom attended a function where she received a free sample od Medimix :t59
Packaging of soap showed the benefits of soap clearly :t62
Compared prices by doctor with other expensive lotions/soaps:t60
t63: The choice is nearby to you buy
t64: She went o see something else but saw a cheaper variant and a better one at the shop
t65: this was the advertisement she just saw while reaching the shop
t66: free samples given with the product itself
t67: Shopkkeper recommendation ( this time from a person who is a dermatologist + runs a shop)
t68: Brand Intervention while buying
t69: Self-doubt while buying whether she should try such a thing or no
Modes of payment issue: She has less cash and wanted to do a card payment, and the card machine doesn't work :t70
Loved the fragrance of soap :t71
t72: She is considering it because the day she used at her friends place, her pimple faded away
t73: a perfect soap for her combination skin
t74: while she was about to buy, the shopkeeper mentioned that the soap is over
t74: Buyers remorse (she felt that she could take 3 soaps and get a discount rather than having one)
t75: a guide was provided for every skin type which helped her
t76: Replanishment calls/reminders
t77: she considered a scratch gift that she was getting with the soap only for that particular time
she considered a scratch gift that she was getting with the soap only for that particular time (this time because if she doesn't buy the product, she looses the chance to win that free gift) :t78
saw her favourite actress using this product for her family in a TV show :t79
t80: a known person sells this soap, so she can trust more.
t81: Medimix coming up with a face cream which is given to the old customers