Pattern of Idea Development



Classification and Division

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(Denise)//(refers to) - For me, being successful refers to being happy and contented with what you have. It does not always equate to being rich.

Jester - (means) - Angry means showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

(Sherey)(is defined as)
Love is defined as the intense feeling of affection that people have towards an individual. It can not be easily affected by several events or hardships that a particular individual is going through.

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(Darina) - (is defined as)- Melancholy is defined as a feeling of being lonely, gloomy, or not feeling well from failure. This kind of feeling is probably might lead to depression.

(Arianna)(refers to) - Aesthetic refers to
a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.

Jeren (is defined as) - "Racism of any kind is abhorrent," abhorrent is defined as the behavior of causing or or deserving strong dislike or hatred.

(Andrew) - (means) - A hotel means a huge and luxurious apartment wherein We need to pay a huge amount of money.

Kurt -(is defined as ) Jealousy is defined as a thought of insecurity or thought of a person's belongings and lifestyle

(chriles)(to illustrate) We tried to illustrate the score with the juries overall score.

(Micah)-(to illustrate)- Teacher Mel did a simple computation on the board to illustrate her point.

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(Divine)(refers to) - Teacher Sharlyn Gaye often refers to her notes when giving a speech to everyone in the school.

(Denise)//(classified as) - Denial is classified as the first stage of grief.

Jester - (another kind) - Bengals are another kind of Cats.

(Arianna)(classified as) - Lust is classified as one of the seven deadly sins of hell.

Thirdy -(refers to) - A pattern of development in writing refers to the particular strategy writers use to develop ideas.

Jeren (classified as) - Siamese cats are classified as one of the oldest breeds of cats.

(Sherey)(classified as) People that are in a high position regarding social status are classified as powerful citizens in a particular area or environment.

(chriles)(the last group) The winners of the program were the last group.

Darina- (classified as) Demonstrative speech, Informative speech, Persuasive speech, and Entertaining speech are classified as a basic types of speech.

(Jewel) - (means) - Giving up means that you are strong enough to let go. It does not always mean your weak.

A group of crows are classified as a murder of crows

Jester - (above) - The ball is located above the stage.

(Denise)//(opposite to) - Percy was sitting opposite to Annabeth while eating on the dining pavilion.

Thirdy -(classified as) - The Dodo is classified as an extinct bird.

(Arianna)(Looks like) - a ukulele looks like a tiny guitar.

(chriles)(against) Tampa Bay Buccaneers won against the Kansas City Chiefs in the 2021 Super Bowl.

(Micah)-( the last group)- Yuna was watching the last group while performing.

(Andrew) - (

Von-(another kind)-The Lamborghini Aventador is another kind of hypercar.

(Sherey)(inside)The detective found a dead body inside the house that they were investigating for a crime.

Thirdy - (above) - The duck is above the water!

(Darina)- (in front of) I was so embarrassed when I accidentally played the terrible song of Pink Guy in front of my parent's friends at wedding.

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Jeren (under) - Tina's kitten is hiding under the kitchen's cupboard.

(Micah)-(opposite to)-Felix stood opposite to Rosie for some moments, then said, with a smile, "Hello".

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(Jewel) - (the last group) - The last group in our school dance contest would have won if they had practiced well before performing.

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(Jewel) - (inside) - I screamed when I saw a cockroach inside of my bag.