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Brain Tips - Coggle Diagram
Brain Tips
Section 1
Tip 1: Eat More Almonds. Almonds are one of the best "Brain Food"
Tip 2: Build Support Network and Avoid Toxic Teachers. Lack of support is one of the main reasons for teacher burn-out. Toxic teachers will steal your joy
Tip 3:Take Care of Yourself Physically and Emoitionally. Putting others first is a good thing, but it is also very depressing if you don't take care of you
Tip 4:Design Your Workspace With The Brain In Mind.Use your space to stimulate serotonin and dopamine levels.
Tip 5: Think of Yourself as a Creative Person. Portfolios are good to remind you of what you came from.
Tip 6: Regulate Your Emotional Temperature. A thermostat teacher regulates the classroom constantly
Tip 7: Smile With Your Eyes. Make sure your kids can see your smile in your eyes.
Tip 8: Become a Morning Person. People tend to be more honest in the morning. Mental fatigue happens in the afternoon
Tip 9: Use 1-2-3 Strategy. Listen to students instead of just responding. Thinking is ideal for assessments. Make a list and then deconstruct it.
Section 2
Tip 1: Play With A Brain Ball. A beach ball can be used as a tool of inquiry and mini therapy session.
Tip 2: Use Colored Folders. This helps activate neural pathways in the brain,
Tip 3: Training Cards For Literacy. These make reading more competetive.
Tip 4: Introduce Balance Ball Chairs. Great solution for active boys, and will help them calm down.
Tip 5:Try Tool Boxes For Learning. This takes advantage of organization and verbal skills and makes them strengths,
Tip 6: Use Blue Bandages For Reading. This helps them track text, stay focused and remain calm.
Tip 7: Engage In Brain-Freindly Reading Activities. This helps boys use more than the normal 6,000 words per day compared to the girls 20,000
Tip 8: Buddy Up With Younger Readers. This helps by giving them practice reading aloud.
Tip 9: Create a Book Club Just For Boys. This gives boys a safe space to be readers.
Section 3
Tip 1: Use The Think, Pair, Share Model. This works well because girls have plenty to say, it builds leadership skills, learn organization, and collaborate.
Tip 2: Create College and Career Collages. This helps girls think about their future.
Tip 3: Utilize a Block Center. Helps spark interest, competitiveness, flunecy, and felxibility.
Tip 4: Give Girls Empowering Messages. Girls who hear powerful, positive, and specific messages score higher than girls who do not hear those things.
Tip 5: Provide Worthy Role Models. Girls look up to a lot of people, and they will want to be like those people.
Tip 6: Promote Healthy Leadership Behaviors. Monitor female behaviors for harmful and destrcutive behaviors.
Tip 7: Get Girls Involved In Geography. Girls enjoy talking so get them to use their voice in geography.
Tip 8: Give Girls Time to Practice and Process Math. Girls like to check for accuracy and know how math relates to real life.
Tip 9: Teach Social Media Manners. Sign a pledge as a group of girls. Help set boundaries, and engage in role playing.
Section 4
Tip 1: Pop a Peppermint. This helps increase alertness by stimulating the trigeminla nerve
Tip 2: Use a Metronome. This can be used as a brain break to balance out the two sides of the brain.
Tip 3: Go Green. Green is the most restful for the eyes
Tip 4: Hide Scented Dryer Sheets. This decreases the feeling of anxiety in the environment.
Tip 5: Choose Blue to Beat Classroom Blues. Shades of blue are used to induce feelings of cooperation and contentment
Tip 6: Get Hands On With Shaving Cream. This is used as a sensory item and it is also used to clean and you can achieve both by having kids play with shaving cream.
Tip 7: Use Citrus Scents in The Classroom. Orange is a scent that reduces anxiety and this is good to use during tests.
Tip 8: Incorprate Cinnamon. Cinnamon can boost brain fucntion, and this can be used in many different ways.
Section 5
Tip 1: Pick Up The Craft Sticks. Assign a different color to represent each student's learning style, personality, etc.
Tip 2: Crank Up The Classical Music. Classical music is soothing and therapeutic
Tip 3: Apply Your Cognitive SPF. 1.Schema 2. Practice 3.Focus
Tip 4:Try Tiered Assessments and Assignements. Break assignments into parts
Tip 5: Add Clapping to Cognitive Tasks. Clapping may improve focus
Tip 6: Make The Students "Say it,"Show it, "Do it". Create procedures in which the students say, show and do the objectives
Tip 7: Take a Brain Break. Students needs a break about every 30 minutes of instruction.
Tip 8: Use Handwriting as a Cognitive Tool. Writing helps connect left and right Brian during activites
Tip 9: Layer The Practice. Practice in novel flavors, spicy, sweet, and salty
Section 6
Section 7
Section 8
Tip 1:Design a Brain Friendly Classroom Space.Structure your class in a way to maximize learning and help with behavior management
Tip 2: Use Natural Light. Natural light is essential to the feelings of wellness
Tip 3: Draw the Eye Upward. Build opportunities for students to look up and around
Tip 4: Add Water Features to Your Classroom Environment. The sound of running water helps soothe anxiety.
Tip 5: Orgnaize an Art Cart: Turn activities into more enriching experiences by inocorprtaing art into them
Tip 6: Name it and Frame it. Frame student work by using big gaudy frames that capture attention
Tip 7: Create a Tree of Learning. Use potted trees and plants to make visual representations for learning.
Tip 8: Readopt Learning Centers. Centers are brain-friendly; they allow learning styles and multiple intelligences to flourish
Tip 9: Get Colorful. The brain responds very well to different colors.
Tip 1: Lay a Creative Egg. Use colorful Easter eggs to help students engage in classroom activities
Tip 2: Provide White Space. Provide planned but unstructured time for the brain to decompress and re-align
Tip 3: Follow the RULE Responses. Read the question two times, underline the question, listen as you say the question to yourself, examine the question for critical words
Tip 4: "Overnight it to Me". 1. Break students into small groups. 2. Assign a general topic, linked to previous learning. 3.Give out mailing envelopes. 4. Challenge students to come up with a fresh new way to think about the topic. 5. Have students share their ideas with the class.
Tip 5:Talk Less and Ask Promting Questions. Use questioning to prompt more critical thinking, creative thinking and motivation.
Tip 6: Swipe "Scenty" Sticks. Scent is a reliable trigger for creativity. Sniff and study wile working,
Tip 7: Give Graphology Exercies. Examine various graphs from magazines etc. make it fun
Tip 8: Tabletop Teaxting. Students share notes through "texting." They are taking chunks of the text and summarizing it using text language with page numbers for evidence
Tip 9: Consider Brain-Friendly Practices to Be Your "Plus One". Use these brain- friendly tips in your instruction to keep the white matter in the brain moving
Tip 1: Give the Growing Brian the Sleep it Craves. Make bedtime early and consistent.
Tip 2: Hydrate The Brain. The brain needs water, it is very important that children stay hydrated
Tip 3; Eat More Fish. Eating fish may help improve critical thinking performance
Tip 4: Create a Literacy-Rich Home. The brain needs book and words. Make sure to provide them for your children
Tip 5: Make Beautiful Brain Music Together. Music makes the mind more flexible and strong. incorporate music into the daily routine.
Tip 6: Smart Kids Have Smart Toys, Not Smart Phones. Give children unplugged time. Make surety interact with your children and give them time your your undivided attention.
Tip 7: Participate in Outdoor Brain Play. Vigorous movement increases the capacity and complexity of childcare's brians
Tip 8: Talk with Children, Not at Them. Ask, practice, use, schedule, give, model, and make with children.
Tip 9: Prepare Colorful Meals to Feed Comlex Brains. Almonds, beans, blueberries, dark chocolate, eggs, greens, kale, salmon, spinach, tuna
Tip 10: Reduce Stress and Clutter in the Home. CLutter in the home creates a messy brain.