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GS Review - Coggle Diagram
GS Review
Unit 02: Industries Location
Location of industries around the world
The location of industries
Human factors
Physical factors
raw materials
Unit 03: Global Industrial Shifts
Trend of transference
Why do industries move their manufacturing activities?
Space shrinking technology
Communication technology
video conferences
Transport technology
Competitive advantages
Attractive government incentives
Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
free trade zones (FTZs)
Tax exemption
Large markets
close proximity to immensely large populations of countries such as China and India
Lower costs
having large population
lower labour cost
land for building factories and natural resources
How has the global manufacturing industry changed?
Industrialization due to large-scale manufacturing
Development of large-scale manufacturing
stream-powered machines were first used in the manufacturing of textile goods
these machines were then gradually introduced to other industries, leading to large-scale manufacturing
machines driven by steam power were developed
Impacts of the trend of transference
Increase in foreign investments in LDCs
increase in export of manufactured products in LDCs
Shift in manufacturing-related jobs from DCs to LDCs
Unit 01: Types of industries
What is an industry?
Types of industries
Secondary industries
Labour-intensive & capital-intensive industries
Light & heavy industries
Tertiary industries
Primary industries
Forestry industry
Farming industry
Fishing industry
mining industry
quaternary industries
Unit 02: Why has tourism become a global phenomenon?
Unit 03: Developing tourism at what cost?
How are the impacts of tourism managed?
tensions in managing the impacts of tourism
tensions between tourists and the environment
measures for managing the tensions
tensions between tourists and locals
Responsibilities of various groups :
tour operators
non-governmental organisations
planning authorities
local communities
conservation of fragile environments and sustainable tourism
what are the impacts of tourism?
socio-cultural impacts
dilution of culture and local customs
increased crime
preservation of culture and local customs
pollution and littering
increased congestion
destruction of habitates
conservation of natural environment
increased carbon footprint
economic impacts
seasonal unemployment
underuse of facilities
infrastructure development
shortage of services
increase in foreign exchange
growth in income
employment opportunities
Unit 01: How does the nature of tourism vary from place?
Food Production
Unit 02: What are the trends and challenges in the production of food crops?
What factors affect the intensity of food production and supply? 5 factors
What are the effects of continuing intensification of food production?
How has the production of crops changed since the 1960s? 3points
Why do food shortages still occur?
Is technology in food production an effective solution to food shortage?
Unit 03: How can the problem of food shortage be addressed?
How effective is technology in solving the problem of food shortage?
What are the strategies to overcome food shortage?
unit 01: How and why have food consumption patterns changed since the 1960?
Why do foods consumption patterns vary between DCs and LDCs
Disposable income
food preferences
organic food
fast food
religious beliefs
population growth
changing diets
food safety
stability of food supply
natural disaters
Civil war
How do foods consumption patterns vary between DCs and LDCs over time?
indicators of food consumption
daily calories intake
starchy staples as a percentage of all calores
food consumption per capita
changing food preferences
feuits and vegetables
DCs and LDCs
what are the consequences of variations in food consumption patterns?
higher public health expenditures
lower productivity
long-term debt
social impacts
Impact of excess food consumption on individuals and countries
higher public health expenditure
lower productivity
food wastage
obesity and related illnesses
Unit 02: Reasons for variations in development in the world?
why does uneven development exist?
Economic reasons
Cumulative causation
Social reasons
Population growth rate
Physical reason
presence of raw materials
Political reasons
political conflict
Historical reasons
Unit 03: Strategies to alleviate uneven development?
How can we alleviate uneven development?
Unit 01: variations in development in the world?
looking at uneven development
core-periphery theory
assessing the level of development of a country
limitation of the HDI
Human development index
what is development?
standard of living
quality of life
DCs & LDCs
differences in the levels of development in DCs and LDCs
Economic well-being
employment structure
employment opportunities
income per capita
infant mortality rate
availability of clear water supply
life expectancy
good sanitation
Literacy rate
Urban Living
Unit 02: Floods
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which cities are prone to floods?
What are floods?
Why are these cities more prone to floods than others?
Unit 01: Transport
Where is traffic congestion found in the city?
Why does traffic congestion occur?
How does traffic congestion affect people and the environment?
what is traffic congestion?
How do some cities manage traffic congestion?
Key Term
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