Fundamental Kinematic Quantities: Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration, Mass and Weight

Basic Concepts of Kinematics










The Measuring Instruments

Mass Measurement Instruments: To measure the mass of the objects the balace are used

Length measuring instruments: In Antiquity, the human being used tools to indentify the dimensions of objects and places

Instruments for Measuring Time: We can consider that, since antiquity, the human being has used different means to measure time, such as the shadow cast by the sun, candles, the hourglass, among others

Safety Regulations when Using Instruments

1.- Think about what you are doing

2.- Follow carefully the instructions of the laboratory practice and the instructions manual of the measuring instruments

3.- Within the laboratory you should wear the right clothes

4.- Do not drink oe eat in the laboratory

5.-Pay attention to the instruccions of the teacher or laboratory assistant

6.-Always keep the laboratory clean and tidy

7.- Keep the place where any instrument with electrical contacts perfectly clean and dry

8.- Your teacher or the personnel in charge of the laboratory should be supervising the practice at all times and should never be absent from the laboratory