On Friday march 11 2011 an earthquake occurred. It was on a richer scale(used to measure earthquakes) 9.0 damaging. It occurred near the pacific ocean at the east coast of Honshu, Japan. This caused sea water to move towards the coast of Japan and ended up as a High water leveled, powerful, terrifying tsunami. This tsunami travelled 10 KM further and ended up destroying some of the places in a place called Sendai. This tsunami also got past and destroyed a few tsunami protective sea walls. An emergency was declared in a place called Fukushima where a cooling system failed and released harmful radio-active gases and toxic into the environment. This tsunami crossed the pacific ocean and then it gave a 5 foot high wave and killed more than 110,000 nesting seabirds in the Midway Atoll National Wildlife refuge. Four years after the quake, approximately 230,000 people who lost their homes were still living in temporary housing.The number of confirmed deaths as of 10 April 2015 is 15,891. More than 2,500 people are still reported missing, but the loss of life was likely limited by two vital early warning technologies: the world’s only earthquake alert system, and ocean-based tsunami warning system*.