Yes? If sewers moving at 90%!• the speed of light, would the air compression deflecting us not cause us do develop into an expanding plasma fireball. This is a story, Writer. Stories don’t have to ‘work’. I NEED TO STOP!!! I keep writing all this nonsensical blubber and I can’t stop. Are you, the reader not so confused and uncomprehensive of what I’ve just been typing to the last hour!?!? Oh wait, you can’t tell me if you were or not, your walkie-talkie isn’t on the same channel as mine. I just realised something. I work hard to you guys trying to give you quality topics and extra-special rants. And how do people repay me? By writing more than me!!! I spend all day thinking about things that i want to put into this, and then I type it all up! And then I see that people want quantity, not quality! But no! You loyal readers will have to deal with me not writing 500 words a day, because I’m thinking of things and stuff. I was just thinking, I need complain about my life more. That’s what all the people are doing nowadays. “Oh, my life is so hard, I just broke a fingernail!” BIG DEAL! “Oh, my life is hard too, i just broke a finger” BUG REAL! ” oh my life is mildy uncomfortable and difficult, I broke all of my fingers, toes, limbs, necks, mothers vases, favourite Guinness book of world records records, my most-used language rules, that kinda stuff. Just in case you didn’t realise, I’m an introvert. So I have lots of problems with… People. And my guess is that you do too! So here are some crucial situations for you to read and laugh at me because you know I can’t hear you! 1: You know when your talking to someone and you can’t figure out what part of their face to look at? Is it their eyes, or their nose, or their mouth? So then you kinda unfocus your eyes and stare in the middle of their face, like your looking right through them? And then they finished talking and you have no idea what they just said? CUZ THAT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME! 2: when your talking to someone and they are saying important stuff, but instead of listening to what they’re saying your just saying yes whenever they stop talking for a little bit? 3: when you are going into a building and there are people behind you, and you can’t figure out if you should hold the door open for them or not? If you don’t and they’re too close, It will probably hit him/her in the face but if you do and they’re to far, its really awkward because you are just standing there for a really long time. Have any of these things happened to you? Leave your answer in the comment section below! (There actually isn’t one, I can’t figure that much out). Hedgehogs must find it really hard to have birthdays! If they have lots of balloons everywhere, they probably pop them; the police come because they think that its gunshots, and there goes all the hedgehogs friends. I’m sure glad I’m now a hedgehog! In section 333 of the rainbow fluffysheep handbook it says that free pop-proof balloons will be sent to any hedgehogs in need. Well goodbye, I’m off to slay a fantastic fedora fanatic! But before I go, I have to ask one thing. Did you really make it this far? Because if you have, the you have been promoted from herder of the rainbow fluffysheep to shearer of the rainbow fluffysheep. It’s a title only few in the world have. Did you know I also make comics? Probably not, because I haven’t posted any yet! Well stay tuned for them someday. What’s up with everyone wanting to deep fry things? Deep fried mars bars, deep fries cool aid! Well I’ve come up with a new food type! ‘Shallow fried’ available at all good pharmancy checkout lines beside the mayacamole and the taco sauce. (That sounds really good!(jut i case you didn’t know, mayacamole is mayo and guacamole combined. Doesn’t that sound MAGICALLY DELICIOUS!!!( I think it does))) shallow fried stuff has half the fat, uses half the ‘deep fry juice’ (whatever they put in there) and has have the flavour! For twice the price! Even though we never had an original price. Whatever. Do you know what’s the worst? Trying to buy computer – related things in charity shops. I was at value village, and I saw a USB. It was 64 gigabytes! That’s pretty good (I bet if your are reading this in the distant future than you think that a 64 gigabyte USB is awful. Well it isn’t in this day and age) I thought, so I went to buy it. It’s only two bucks! Wow, what a steal. I looked closer at it and that’s when I realised. It said 64 MEGABYTES!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LITTLE THAT IS! if you are from the distant future than you are probably thing ‘that’s like nothing’ and you’d be right. It can only store like 60 million letters! That’s only 15 million words! That’s only a million sentences! That’s only 200,000 paragraphs! That’s only 20,000 chapters! That’s only 1,000 Books! That’s only 250 quadrilogies! Now that I think about it, 250 quadrilogies isn’t that bad. If you couldn’t tell, I used a method called Fermi Estimation, though a little more precise. In Fermi Estimation, you can be off by 100x in either direction and it doesn’t really matter. According to Fermi Estimation, this is me. Age: 10 Number of eyes: 1 Social Security Number: 1000000 PIN code: 1000 number of limbs: 1 people in my family: 1 (forever alone). That’s why I like Fermi Estimation. I actually didn’t tell you why I like it. Oh well. Where I live, they use blackcurrant in everything. It’s pretty much a replacement for grape. But am I the only one who thinks that grape flavoured things taste way better? Whenever I get something blackcurrant flavoured I offer it someone, because they usually like it (and I hate it). Works well for me!! I was just thinking about tides. Way back in the day, wouldn’t tides make no sense? The sea would just get higher and lower and there was no reasoning behind it. Maybe that’s why they thought sea monsters existed. No what I think about it though, the moon pulling on the water is kinda even crazier than that. And now for a commercial break. Kshhhhhh – Tacos…… I LOVE EM! And you can to for only ten easy payments of ten bucks! (That’s deer by the way) tacos can make you feel fuzzy in the inside. That’s because of the mould that comes FREE with every purchase! And there’s no artificial additives either! (We did that by adding so many additives that instead of adding it to the taco, we were technically adding the taco to the additives). What are you waiting for! I’m waiting for this commercial to end so I can get paid! Call now at 1800-GOT-PUNK to order a taco from Teddys Tacos (or would it be Teddies) and you will get a free rent-a-friend with your purchase! But there’s more! Order now and get a free Ferrari too! Oh it seems our lines are down its too late. They’re back up again! But it’s too late! I use too many exclamation marks! But there’s more! Be the 7.8×10^9 customer to order to get a free home with your choice of a happy meal toy! KSHHHHHH . I think that people complain about preservatives way to much. They all say “oh, it’s SOOOO unhealthy” but I think that month-past-the-expiration-date-food is way more unhealthy. The end of that. Goodbye.Do you do two extra languages in school? If so you will know what I mean. Every time I have to study for one language, I ALWAYS remember the word from the other language! Like when I’m learning Japanese I’ll think what was ‘how are you’ again? Oh yea, it’s frickin ÇA VA!!! (Sorry if I’m being too edgy) in section 250q4 of the Rainbow Fluffysheep handbook it states that English is the best language and no one should be forced to learn any other. If they are, they must fill up a bath tub with alpabits which spell out the word that they uttered and eat all of it without any sugar sprinkled on top (NOOOOO). That sounded a little bit cliché. GO TO THE TUB YOUNG MAN! ok. Well, that’s all I got for today. See ya! I’m back here again! Another hour of my life will be wasted in the next few… Minutes? That previous (the auto correct is so bad on this phone it corrected previous