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Chapter 7 Emergence of Colorful Communication - Coggle Diagram
Chapter 7
Emergence of Colorful Communication
Folklore through Signs, Words, and Art
Traditional Literature
lose when transcibe
outsider have difficult understand full meaning, complexity, significant of tale
understanding story mean understanding complexity of culture
Deaf Culture stigmatized by "literate" culture because lack written language
said to be "superior"
Characteristic of Deaf Culture
passed down from generation to generation
blend into Deaf folklore
help hearing understand how deaf people think and perceive the world
important to deaf community, develop pride in identity and culture
illustrate Deaf peoples legends, Deaf jokes, riddles, signlore, ASL poetry, personal experience narratives
Rhythmic performances, ritual clapping
carried down though school, families, gatherings
sign language work may be forgotten or hidden
videos for public keep folklore and jokes continue forward
Deaf Storytelling Genre
storytelling, combination of gesture, mime, sign, facial expression
provide structure for Deaf people perspectives
emerged at residential school for deaf students
elaborated retelling of movies
films not captioned, storyteller skill to be creative in guess saying
mimic idiosyncratic mannerisms of hearing teacher or dorm staff
Deaf Experience Stories
deaf success or outsmart hearing
fictional or nonfictional
perspective, wish, idea unique to Deaf people
personal experiences that reveal ridicule from hearing community
Fictional Original Stories
historical anecdote contain fiction based on Deaf people contribution
Benjamin Franklin - discover electricity with kite
Creative Stories
deaf children's favorite
similar to folklore
in dorm at residential schools
adaptations of movies, war during WWll
facial and body movmenets
create continue with different approaches
create in classromm, rule, abc order, numerical order, handshape
Deaf Laughs
laugh at own or other world
deaf humor embedded in culture
individual unfamiliar with deaf culture find not funny if translation through interpretation or print
humor share perception of world, express different intimacy, comfort share beliefs
reflect value, norms, belief systems of American Deaf culture
4 categories
can't hear
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response to oppression
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make fun or themselves or others
informally categorized
Deaf Culture
Deaf sign with each other
Hard of Hearing
enjoy humor on misunderstandings
Dr. Lynn Jacobowitz, possess collection of original humorous thoughts on subject of ASL
Lipreading Crisis
barriers such as mustached ad beards
Traditional Jokes
advantage of theme of deafness to solve problem
Family Anthology of Humor
Roy Holcomb contribution to deaf humor prose and art
chuckle readers
family realize deaf not
Total Communication
collection of anecdotes from deaf community
For Hearing People Only, compare enjoyment of jokes between people
Deaf humor involve mime, gestures, cinematic effects, zomming, closeup, slow motion, sighn pla
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Deaf Riddles
create riddle about themselves
Interpreter Jokes
intentional or undesired results
deaf and hearing illustrators create works that entertain or humor readers
broken into 5 board themes
learning sign language
clueless hearing express to deaf person
familiar with sign language, desire, interest
effort, time, dedication and require continuous use before proficient
occupational hazards
signing slipshod, number of adverse things happen with no warning
eyeglasses in the way, fly, land somewhere
attract attention unnecessary distrubance
inopportune misunderstanding occur in real life
create modern technologies
enhance everyday lives of deaf people
TTY first by Richardson
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expression of humor in sign language
situation where not able to communicate with hands
tied up hands - produce exasperation and awkward for signing
frustration to communicate while holding objects, try to gesture without remove object from hands
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ASL/English Genre
Signed ASL Poetry
no known record abut ASL poet or poetry
appreciation with studies in ASL linguistics
visual ASL poetry or sign poetry
Patrick Graybill - ASL poetry we play with signs
understood when sign or seen in motion
ABC, number, handshape stories
difficult in not impossible in written
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Written Poetry
Deaf people express themselves or thoughts about life
style and rules taught as literature in schools and college
poems by deaf poets written from poets experince
Deaf-Related Art Genre
Stress difference between art by and about deaf people
Deaf Art
workshop held at Gallaudet
Betty Miller, Paul Johnson, and 7 participants
Deaf Artists
distinguish themselves from deaf artist who produce are for general audiences
De'VIA Manifesto
stand for Deaf View.Image Art
written to cover traditional field of visual fine arts and alternate media when used as fine arts
represent symbolism of deaf culture, exaggerate facial features
artist dont need to be deaf, some hearing children of deaf
Deaf Contributions to Performing Arts
National Theatre of the Deaf
David Hays and 17 founding memeber founded Department of Health, ED, and Welfare
Waterford Conneticut
first to assemble professional deaf actor and actresses
focus to brin hearing roles to play using deaf actors with hearing actor/ readers on stage
eliminate need for sign to voice translatore in seats
designed to attract hearing playgoers, both audiences enjoy equal
help hearing audience become aware of power and beauty of sign language and deaf culture
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Deaf stage performers genre
acting took place in residential school, free time in dorms
school offered a literary society, met twice per month
students didnt go home on weekends
membership limited to advance or HS students
encourage to create own scripte for declamation, poetry, storytelling, one-act play, relate
leave school, continue perform at deaf clubs
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Jonathan Kovacs 1998, deaf
student popular gathering and watering hole at Gallaudet
express beauty of sign language combination with dance and music, sound effects
ASL poetry, A-Z mime, handshape stories, storytelling
Invisible hands
promote deaf awareness through art and sponser
director- Fred Beam, found Wild Zapper in 1989
CJ Jones
children tv series, deaf and black
motivational speaker and CEO of h=Hands Across Communications to produce for international deaf artists
John Maucere
versatile talents, role of an actor, comedian, talkshow host
ability to entertain audience with humor vary subjects relate to cultural differences between deaf and hearing and humorous deaf experiences
Deafywood, produce SuperDeafy, deaf superhero
Hollywood then and now
in 1920, did not cast real-life deaf people in motion pictures
Granville Redmond, guest role in A dogs life in 1918
no true experiences of deaf people were reflected
images of deaf characther, act by hearing actors gave gross misperceptions of true deaf people
portrayed black character by rubbed face of white actors with black shoes substances
deaf characters were seen as uneducated, sad, lonely, dependent on hearing
protests by deaf community change image of deaf people from negative characters to positive
misconceptions continue hire deaf roles for hearing
Marlee Matlin, first deaf Oscar winner, serve on Gallaudet Board of Trustees
Dazzling Deaf performers in film, tv, theatre
deaf performing artists won awards
Deaf Music Genre
music appreciated by many deaf and hard of hearing
some enjoy, some dont care
those who dont wear assitive device take pleasure in music by feeling vibrations through surfaces such as wooden floor
hold inflated balloon or object enhances sense of rhythm from music
watch visual rhythms and body language of performers add enjoyment
clapping between signs make kinesthetic and visual music is common in Deaf Songs
George Kannapell, performers of rhythmic 1,2; 1,2,3 routines
popular similar beat evolve over years from clapping to multi-rhythmic approach
Deaf Photographers and Filmmakers
schools for deaf possessed a resident shutterbug either deaf or nondeaf who record all activites, took pictures, recorded candid shots
pictures would be memorialized in school yearbooks
photographs sold to people for personal albums
funds go to maitain school darkrooms
school sponsered photo clubs as extracurricular activites or vocational training
digital media, camera or cellphone take still or motion picture, upload and dispatch on internet
Selected deaf photographers
Allen sisters bothe deaf, renowned for pictures of country scenes, figures, and children (1885-1920)
were teachers but lost hearing, vocation photography
works exhibit in venues, pictures in Great Britain and California best works
tourists stopped at their home to buy photographs
bothe died within 4 days from each other
Maggie Lee Sayre
Houseboats on Tenessee river preserved pictures
deaf, learned sign language
Her sister Myrtle died and had camera
Maggie recorded day-to-day activites with family and friends
work known after in a nursing home and collection exhibit at 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta
Filmmaking by deaf persons
unique communication mode
deaf people could be recorded without need of soundtrack
folklore an historical products in sign language has been kept in perpetual motion through films
George Veditz
Preservation of the sign language
expert filmmakers deaf or hearing slim chance involve with hollywood films
possess understanding of filmmaking or love filmmaking to produce quality films for and about deaf people
ASL Films is independent film production company found in 2005 by Mark Wood and Mindy Moore both deaf.
5 full length feautre films
enable audience to fully appreciate ASL in films, no voice over, caption
edward miner gallaudet
rendition of classic Lorna Doone storing during early 1900
Deaf Mosiac
videotape off study of deaf community
produce by Gallaudet University from Aoril 1985-June 1995
show nationwide on Discovery Channel and PBS stations
images of deaf character and how portrayed are significant
sign language interpreters appear more often in tv and movies
deaf character use pad and pencil, demonstrate not all lip read or speak fluently