Educational Philosophy - Progressivism


Positive environment used to prepare my students for the future

"Back to the basics."

Teaching my students to be not only good students, but good friends too, good people in general

Help them grow

Teach my students how to treat others the right way

Share my love for learning

I want to be the light in a child's light who maybe isn't getting a lot of love at home...if they need extra attention - I want to give it to them. If they need more time to learn - I want to help them learn those things even when it means staying later, coming in earlier, etc.

My classroom will be colorful and give off positive vibes. I want to have a theme like under the sea or something fun. I still remember my first grade teacher and her classroom because she always had a fun theme going on and everyone wanted to be in her class because of it.

Flexible seating

Carpet, bean bags, lawn chairs, etc.

Classroom Management

Still learning and trying to find what's right for me...probably going to learn from experience, observing, student teaching


Always progressing

Instructional Methods

Hands on

Use lots of technology


Still learning and need more information on this topic

I want to teach to help my students learn, not teach them to pass tests

May be different depending on different students. I need to find what works best for each student because not everyone learns the same way.