Electricity by Jesús Carrero Marcos and Daniel Gil Martínez image


Open circuit,Closed circuit and Short circuit.

converting electrical energy

conductors insulators

Electrical energy

protons(positive charge)

neutrons(neutral charge)

electrons (negative charge)

Electricity is a from of energy that lets negatively charged particles move from one atom to another.

Electric current is the flow of electrons from one atom to another inside a conductive material.

insulators: like wood, plastic and cardboard.

conductors: Gold, Silver, Aluminium and copper.

components of a circuit

An electric circuits is a series of interconnected components that an electriccurrent flows throughto produce an effect.

Load devices: Components that receive the electrical energy from the power sources and convert it to other types of useful energy.

Conductors: Components that transport the electrical energy from the power sources to the load devices in other words the elctric current flows through these components.

Control devices: Devices that regulate the circuit; n other words, they allow or prevent the flow of electric current through the circuit.

Power sourcers: Components that suuply the necesary electrical energy to the rest of circuit in order to move the electrons.

load devices

control devices

power sources


cell image

battery image

wire image

push switch image

one-way switch image

motor image

buzzer image

lamp image

resistor image :

two-way switch image

tipes of circuits

series circuits

parallel circuits

Series-parallel combination circuits

Short circuit: occurs when the electric current is transported by the wires without passing through a load devices.

Closed circuit: when the energy of the power source reachs the load devices, so the elctric current flows

Open circuit: When the energy of the power source cannot reach the load devices, so the electric current cannot flow.this can happen if the switch is open, but it can also be because of a fault in the circuit.

in these circuits, all the components are conected one after the other.

the same current for all the components

if one stop working all of them stop working


The current does not flow equally through all the load dvices; instead, it is shared by all the possible paths.

More electric current flows in the branch that offers the least resistance

In these circuits, the load devices are connected on different branches of the wire.

Even if one of the load devices stops working, the rest continue to work because the electric currenttakes other.


energy and the enviromenet

In this case, the circuit have properties of both series circuits and parallel circuits.


These circuits contain devices connected in series and in parallelc

Light: We can convert electricity to light through load devices such as incandescent lamps, fluorescent tubes and electronic or low-energy lamps.

Heat: When electrons move trough a conductor or load devices, they create frictio with the material as they pass trough, which produces heat. image

Motion: We can also convert electricity to motion using a motor. image

Sound: We can use electrical energy to transmit sounds through microphones and we can produce sound effect through sirens, buzzers and bells. image

productin and transmision


Electrical energy is generated industrially in power stations, which convert a form of energy (chemical, mechanical, thermal, light, ect.) to electrical energy.

When we save energy, we save money too but more importantly, we save natural resources and help to protect the enviroment

Here are a few tips on responsable energy use:

Remplace old electrical appliances with more effcient ones (that consume less energy), labelled "class A"

Use certain domestic appliances (like washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, ect.)

Remplace incandescent bulbs with low energy bulbs.

Always switch off electronic equipment (televisions, hi-fis, video game consoles, computers, ect.)

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