Social inequality is a social problem that today is very difficult to control. Everywhere we see inequality and I think this is not right. All over the world we see inequality. When one inequality happens, all the others are connected. For example, since the pandemic started, there was a lot of unemployment in the world. Only the longest-serving workers were left. The people who were left unemployed were left with nothing to the point of poverty. When this happens the economic rate of the country goes down and everything becomes worse.
As we can see, inequality is an infinite chain and it is something very recent. Every human being has rights, the right to a job, the right to food and many more. I think that in order to stop inequality we have to give jobs to all the heads of households. It sounds impossible, but nothing is impossible in this life.
Also in order to avoid it and end inequality, we have to end it at home. Inequality is also seen at home.