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1 page marketing plan - Coggle Diagram
1 page marketing plan
Chapter 3 Reaching prospects with advertising media [Mark Zuckerberg holding megaphone]
Goal [soccer goal]
Frontend Enough to cover customer acquisition cost [แจกใบปลิวอยู่ด้านหน้าร้านตัดผม]
Backend Repeat purchase by existing customer [หันหลังเข้าร้านตัดผม]
Let Social media direct to in-house rather than relying on it [Mark Zuckerberg kick people to their house]
Have unlimited marketing budget that works [Don't be like Loreal]
Measure results [ruler]
Set budget only when testing [Holding money wearing lab coat]
Don't rely on one source eg. one customer, one supplier [MBK-tourists]
Successful marketing [Russel teaching]
Right media channel [tuktuk]
Right target [market]
Right message [โทรโข่ง]
Email marketing tips [Clickfunnels in mailbox]
Postal mail = good compliment [snail carrying letter in front of laptop]
3 value building email for every offer email [Andygram 3 emails, one selling book]
Use commercial email marketing for mass email [mailchimp]
Must have their consent to send ,never buy a compile lists of email [signing consent form]
Write as though emailing a single person, don't be a robot [AI generating words]
Email regularly at least 1/month [Russel's Email]
Automate [printing machine]
Chapter 7 Delivering a world class experience (After phase)[Dining up on the sky]
Sell them what they want but give them what they need [give candy turn into medicine]
Create Theater around your products and services [projecter]
Use technology to reduce friction [Robot using non-friction erasable pen ]
Become a voice of value to your tribe [tarzan yelling]
Tell them all the trouble you go to [running a trail, bee stung,holes]
Products make you money systems make you a fortune [left hand, a bag of money, right hand won a fortuner car]
4 main types of business systems
Sales system [Mark Hunter]
Fulfillment system [fuel petrol service]
Administration system [P'Muy]
Marketing system [market on a carousel]
3 steps to create business systems
Identify all roles [different types of robots, maid,fight]
Define what tasks each role perform [maid-clean, warrior-fight]
Create checklist for properly completing these tasks [Check lists]
Ultimate customer [Blue Eyes]
Having business system [decision tree]
Who will buy and why [CP bought Tesco Lotus]
Think of it since the start [start line Mario party]
Chapter 6 Sales conversion [money printing machine]
Avoid vague guarantee [satisfaction award]
pricing strategy [$]
avoid discounting, increase value of the offer instead [stacking toys]
ok to offer unlimited [buffet]
have high ticket [Charlie gold ticket]
Invite them to try before they buy [mom take jiji for a day]
Position as an expert [Men in Black]
Every one is in sales!
Make it easiest to pay, offer customer preferred payment [cashier at big department store]
Chapter 5 Nurturing lead (During phase) [Baby in mama's arms]
Use Lumpy mail packages to wow them [receive book with brochure, hand written note about their conversation at home]
Hire manager, or admin to get things run and packages to be sent [Entrepreneur + specialist dealing with computer, manager walk around outside]
meet potential prospect at event : bus card -> CRM -> newsletter
Inbound sales inquiry : handwritten note + shock package
new email list: email educational video series over next 30 days
customer complaint : after resolved, send handwritten apology note with $100 discount coupon
Marketing calendar [calendar]
Chapter4 Capturing leads (During phase) [ppl inside fishing net]
Don't sell directly in your ads [คนยืนโฆษณาคอนโด หน้าคอนโด ถือป้าย]
qualify interested prospects by ethical bribe [ส่งเงินใต้โต๊ะ คนรับผ่านfunnel]
find ppl who are interested and put in database (free what you should look for video, valuable info) [take ppl into machine]
Because many ppl interested but not ready to buy [20 yrs in 90 days course]
Continue giving them value,things they are interested days,months,years until they buy [Fox email]
Structure system using CRM [mario in&out tube]
Chapter8 Increasing customer life time value (After phase) [Oxygen]
5 major ways to improve customer life time value
Ascension [ladder to the sky]
Frequency [radio]
reminders [notification bell]
give them reason to come back to [coupon]
subscription [Netflix]
Raising prices [Comic book]
Upselling [7-11 รับขนมจีบ ซาลาเปาเพิ่มไหม]
Key number for business [key shaped like number 1]
Leads [magnet]
Conversion rate [recycle]
Avg transaction value [receipt, cashier]
Break even point [แลกหมัดกัน]
Chapter9 Orchestrating and Stimulating Referrals (After phase)[Orchestra]
Simply asking from a satisfied customers [Copper buffet]
Conquering the bystander effect [accident, crowd]
Very specific with who and what kind of referrals you ask from [You get a blanket! , You call an ambulance!]
not asking for a cold referral but referrer still has to get client to call or text you [give free report]
Set up the situation that the referrer looks good [Johny Bravo]
Who has your clients before and after you [lining up to buy products]
Creating gift cards, voucher [discount pet food for the vet to give out]
Affiliate referral partner [SHA affiliate links]
select target market [target]
dominate one niche first then move on to dominate other niche later [doodle crown king, small net 3 places vs big net]
Specialist make price irrelevant [Don't shop on supermarket]
figure out one thing market wants solution to [go to bed and wake up worrying]
Score PVP index
Personal fulfillment [me becoming a superlearner]
Value to the marketplace [customer call to pay]
Profitability [me with web design, do it for free]
picture target customer [chubby guy eating potato chips while watching tv]
Chapter 2
Crafting messages [crafting a sculpture]
Objective [call to ask a long lost friend for help]
1ad 1 objective [archery hit through the target ]
show next step [click ad, fill in email]
multiple ways to take action [by boat or airplane]
Unique selling point [Superlearner course]
Don't talk about [taping mouth]
quality [Dad's quality]
great service [P'Nuan,Pa'Ratana]
Ask [game show]
Why they should buy? [people in need of water]
Why they should buy from me? [Apple and other mobile shops]
Remarkable :CD baby, coffee late art [awarded gold medal]
Elevator pitch, you know...? what we do is.... Infact...(proof) [talking in the elevator]
Confuse them = lose them [Read a very technical terms, shut down]
Get into the mind of prospect [playing inside the brain]
want what it CAN do for their business, not product : business cards, brochures [online courses]
tell who it is NOT for [bungeejump, not for heart disease ]
find prospect's common enemy [Alien]
Crafting offers [a kid begging for candy]
value [take customer from A to B]
Use their language [BMX bike]
Reason why offering great deal [COVID, $19 library SHA]
Upsells [Russel]
Value stacking [baby sitter offer many services]
Payment plan [Fox 2 choices of payment]
Guarantee : pic 30 days guarantee
Scarcity [ pulling video out tomorrow]
Emotional direct response copy [crying reading a letter]
buy with emotions first, justify with logic later [Dad buying a car]
emotions [inside out]
fear [fear of ant]
love [another person walk in, kiss the ants]
greed [put the ants to a jar]
guilt [open the jar lid to let the ants go]
pride [wearing superman cape]
Business name = content eg. Fast plumbing repairs [me explaining Roamie Homeroom]