How do we know / evaluate whether a community project has meaning and is worth engaging with?

What is the goal of the project?

who organises it?

In what ways does it help?

Is there a genuine need for the project?

What exactly needs to be done?

Are my skills useful for that specific project?

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How do I get there?

Is it to make profits? If yes, what happens with those profits?

Do we support this project?

How do we know about things that are far away and that we cannot experience directly?

could there be negative consequences if I engage in it?

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have other people had good experiences with this project?

Ethically correct?

a lot of research before actually thinking about doing it


Social media

Internet research


news reports


certain labels

TOK moment:
Ways of knowing






needed if you don't know anything about where you will go



sense perception

Your relation to that project.

the need to have a purpose

Communicating knowledge

A lot of research is needed to determine if the project is “worth“ it.

Consider the ethical implications.

There are many different ways to get information, you have to be careful to get sources that are reliable, such as friends, or official information from the project itself