Ottawa Charter 5 Action Areas

Building Healthy Public Policy

Create supportive Environment's

Develop Personal skills

Strengthen Community Action

Reorient Health Services

Decisions/laws made by the Government that “directly “affect health

Work & School Policies , Local recreation councils , health sector

Examples: influenced behavior (wearing a seat belt) , wearing a hat at school , removing GST on unprocessed food

People with knowledge and life skills have a better control over their choices in life and their health

Example: Finding information on an issue and talking to people to resolve conflict instead of using violence

Gaining knowledge and skills necessary to make decisions that will affect their health

It aims to provide a physical and social environment

Physical: Where we work, live or go (such as school).

Examples : Investing in a sustainable energy production , providing shaded areas

A process of assisting people in making healthy lifestyle choices

Social: Supporting others through health decision.

Examples: supporting smokers to quit , Help and support from others

Community works together to identify and set health priority

Plan and set implementation strategies to achieve better health

Working together with other in the community to achieve a common goal.

Example: Immunization scheme : Doctors provide it for parents , students and others

Reflects the social model of health , which addresses the factors of wellbeing , not just disease

Movement away that will prevent ill health and promote health.

Example: Physical activity to reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes.