Violence in video games turns children into violent adults by Zoha, Ashaz, Azam, Rayyan, Ajia, Mariam, and Kaashvi

Addressed to a Friend who is engrossed in Video games

The letter has to have a conversational tone

What video games promote like
The killing of people or animals
The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol
Criminal behavior, disrespect for authority and the law
Racial, and gender stereotypes
Foul language and obscene gestures

Add massive amounts of Pathos and emotive language while addressing the problem with counter-arguments

Spending a lot of time on video games can lead to
Less time socializing with friends and family
Poor social skills
Time away from family time, school work, and other hobbies
Lower grades
Less reading
Less exercise and becoming overweight
Decreased sleep and poor quality sleep
Aggressive thoughts and behaviors

Mention about advices by leaning psychologists.

Parts of a Persuasive letter


Start with greeting


End with a firm argument


1)Include a three point passage

2) Add plenty of information

Talk about personal life

Introduce why you have written this letter

Include Ethos, Pathos and Logos

Continue explaining the reason in the body...

Also, add other figurative devices

Wrap everything up

Give your salutations

Also, add the staples such as figurative language, AFOREST and other figurative devices to improve your language.




Salutation examples:

With best regards,

With best wishes,

With love

Your best friend

Your favorite sister/brother, (Joking)

Rhetorical question

Add strong evidence

Studies of children exposed to violent media have shown that they may become numb to violence, imitate the violence, and show more aggressive behavior

Younger children and those with emotional problems will be more influenced by these types of games

We have to emphasize our point clearly and show why we are writing with clear conviction

Write in present tense

if you are always inside playing video games. And without enough exercise, you can become overweight

Use stronger vocabulary and include statistics(Logos)

Children and adolescents can become overly involved and even obsessed with video games, leading to poor social skills

We have to pay attention to our implied tone and use careful language; also be careful on the tense you are using.

Playing violent games increases a persons agressive thoughts,feelings and behaviour

Playing violent games can increase a persons blood pressure hence increasing the chance of cardiac arrest: this is happening throughout the world as people are dying caused by overuse of screen and games.

Carefully use repetition in the persuasive letter to convince.


Playing violent games can increase a persons agressive thoughts,feelings and behaviour -abdul




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