Topic 17: Diversity and unity of the world’s population

Culture diversity

One humanity

Clashes and dialogue

Family tree

Some cultures covered large areas and make civilizations

Other cultures covered a small area

Some cultures are pacific but others participate in a lot of wars

In the world, the cultures have are different languages, religions, traditions, etc.

A graphic representation that lists ancestor and descendants

The family tree of humanity started in Africa and our species migrated to other parts of the world

The cultures of the world are diverse and its members too

Do not exist a better culture or ethnic group, or a worse culture or ethnic group

The human genome has proven that all people have an equal genetic structure, with the same number of similar genes

It has even been proven that we all have
the same group of common past suedes that evolved many centuries ago in Africa

then they extended to all the parts of the world

Differences in language, religious practices, customs have sometimes created tensions

It is impossible for humanity to become homogeneous, trying to suppress the differences have destroyed the identity

The only effective way to overcome tensions is through a dialogue that respects the differences




