Interactive white board The IWB is a technology made up of a computer connected to both a projector and a touch-sensitive board that presents the pictures projected from the computer, allows for changes, and receives input electronically or by touch. In conclusion: carries the hope for meaningful pedagogical change in traditional classroom learning.

when the IWB process stared the following changes were noticed

student motivation and engagement in the learning process increased when studying with the IWB

Teachers reported on their professional development and enhanced technology skills

Activities that we can do whit IWB

  • Drag and drop
  • Hide and reveal
  • Highlighting
  • Storage and recall
  • Feedback

Learner perspectives

Attitudes towards Learning
Students reported that the use of the IWB enhances motivation to learn, raises the level of concentration, improves behavior, and enhances learning because it is "fun" and innovate

Teachers perspectives

Attitudes toward Working with IWBs Various studies have found positive teacher attitudes towards working with IWBs, teachers find working with that relatively easy.

Developing 21st Century Thinking and Learning Skills
The five central skills:

  • Information skills (literacy).
  • Higher order thinking skills.
  • Communication and cooperation skill.
  • Skills to use technological tools.
  • Learning skills.

Relationship between Use of IWBs and Student

  • Firstly, it seems that IWBs positively influenced students’ ability to understand complex
    concepts, for example, in math and science.
  • In many places were made studies to see the diference.
  • The positive influence
    of IWBs has also been found in the areas of math and language in elementary schools.
  • The researchers concluded that students feel
    greater motivation to demonstrate their capability.

Developmental Typology of Teachers Using IWBs

  • First stage: Teachers match the new technology to existing pedagogy.
  • Second stage: Teachers are involved with discovering new opportunities offered by these
  • Third stage: Skilled teachers use the IWB in a professional and intuitive manner.

Pedagogical Practices Using IWB
In general, this approach views the teacher as the central authority, who is responsible for what goes on in class.

  • The use of the boards adds a type of “theatrical tension” in the
    class and creates a more attractive learning environment.

Student Perspective

Contribution to students’ engagement in the lesson

  • This study reveal that student attitudes toward learning with the IWB are predominantly positive.
  • students learning via the IWB are more attentive and
    have greater motivation to learn.

Developing 21st century skills

  • This skills was not examined directly in this study. However, based on teacher and student reports, it is possible to see that various aspects of these skills
    are developed by instruction via the IWB in Project SMART.
  • Another skill that is needed for the 21st century is the ability to use digital tools. Based on teachers’ reports in the study.

The relationship between IWB use and attitudes toward

  • The majority of teachers and innovation leaders and a portion
    of the principals think that learning via the IWB can positively influence student achievements.
  • It is interesting to note that the students report that they better understand the learning material, a
    characteristic can serve as a possible explanation for the increase in the achievement of students learning with the IWB

Teacher Perspective

Teacher attitude towards use of the IWB

  • The teachers report that despite the difficulty of dedicating more time
    to preparing lessons, the upside is greater student interest, motivation, and focus, support for different learning styles.
  • enables greater exposure to a wide variety of materials.

Interactive teaching

  • It is important to train teachers to utilize the technology for new pedagogical purposes.
  • It may be helpful to establish a database of lessons and instructional materials that integrate various technological elements.
  • Adding smart classrooms in the school.
  • It may be important to consider the integrated model of installing smart classrooms in
    both homeroom classes as well as in specific departments.