Juliet decides to go see Friar Lawrence to figure out what to do about her upcoming marriage to Paris :

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[She marries Paris to please her father, but still loves romeo.

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He tells her to go ahead and marry Paris.

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Romeo finds out;

he crashed the wedding

her parents and Paris find out she is already maried

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Paris duels Romeo

Paris dies; and Romeo goes to jail

she is on old mamid and visits romeo in jail

He gives her the sleepng potion

She takes it

she falls into ddep sleep; family thinks she is dead; they bury her

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romeo gets the letter and knows the deal and rescues her

they go and tell their parents

parents are upset and forbid them from seeing each other

They run away

Friar tells her to poison Paris

she poisons Paris.

her parents find out that she poisoned Paris and that she is married to Romeo.

they let her fun off with Romeo so she wont have to go to jail