Dutch -East Indies, Spanish- Philippines, Frech/portugese- india, China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast asia excluded westerners, 1850 British government let Australian colonies virtually complete self-government (January 1, 1901 united), British East India Company subjugated, 1858 indian troop revolts crushed it, Russia- Siberia 1637, Alaska (SOLD TO US), trans-Caspian area 1881, Turkestan 1885, and half of persia, tried to get korea but got into war w japan and lost, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and Japan had influence on china, japan avoided westerners 1853–1854 Commodore Matthew Perry came for trades and dilomatic privileges, korea also avioded westerners but was annexed by japan, Britian got Burma and Malay States, France Indochina, Cochin China, Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos (Union of French Indochina), only thailand free bc of British-French rivalry, US got Samoan Islands, Hawaiian Islands (annexed),