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House on Mango Street Vignettes - Coggle Diagram
House on Mango Street Vignettes
Cathy Queen of The Cats
Cathy is a young girl around Esperanzas age. She claims to be of royal decent. She is like a kid with her stories about her family and how she imagines them.
Esperanza describes her as someone who knows who is good and who is bad.
"Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street." (Similie)
Gils Furniture Bought and Sold
Gil is an old man who owns a shop with lots of old pieces of furniture. It is packed to the brim with old furniture.
Esperanza's sister talks to the old man about a music box. When it plays Esperanza loves it but feels that she cannot show how much she loves it in front of her sister. She feels she is stupid.
"It's like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan necked shadows in our bones." (Simile and Hyperbole)
Meme Ortiz
Meme is the boy who moved into Cathy's House.
He has a huge sheep dog. Meme and Esperanza are friends they have an annual jumping competion.
"The dog is big, like a man dressed in a dog suit..." (Simile)
Louie His Cousin and His Other Cousin
Louie's Family come from Puerto Rico. Once his cousin brought a nice car to their street it is a yellow cadillac.Esperanza got to take a ride in the car. The color yellow has some significance in the story.
While they were on the car ride they heard sirens and everyone got out except for Louie's cousin who tried to drive away but he crashed. His cousin was arrested. I think he stole the car
"The yellow nose was pleated like an alligators." (Simile)
Marin wants to get a job downtown so that some man will notice her and she can be married and start a family. She doesn't like the guys in their neighborhood because they are creepy. Wants a family similar to Esperanza
She can't find the right guy who she likes.
"I am in love with those two green apples you call eyes..." (Metaphor)
There Was an Old Woman
She has many children who she raised by herself. But most are badly behaved. They did stupid things and dangerous things.
One day a boy jumped off a building and died or got hurt no one even thought twice when it happened.
"A kid fell from the sky like a sugar donut" (Simile)
Alicia Who Sees Mice
Unistudent whose mother died. She takes care of her father who is a very bad drinker. He is abusive. Her attic is gross which is were she sleeps and she can see the mice crawl. Also has a terrible family like Sally. Not everyone is as fortunate as Esperanza and she doesn't realize that.
"Four legged fur and feathers" (Alliteration)
Darius and the Clouds
Imaginative young boys who looks at clouds and imagines what they are. He believes hes a tough kid but he isn't
"You can get drunk off the sky" (Hyperbole)
Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark
Esperanza's Grandfather died and her father woke her up to tell her. She has been tasked with telling the younger children because she is the oldest. He will be returned to Mexico to be buried.
"They will have a black and white photo taken in front of flowers shaped like spears." (Simile and Sensory Detail)
The Family of Little Feet
A family whos features were all small. They had small hands, feet, and heights. One day Esperanza and some of their families kids tried on eachothers shoes.
One had really nice shoes which esperanza tried on. They were shoes that were meant to draw attention. A bunch of creepy dudes cat called her which she didn't understand.
"Their hands were little, their feet were little, and their heights were little." (Repetition)
Elenitas, Cards, Palm Water
Elenita is a fortune teller who esperanza goes to. She asks about what her future homes will be like because she dislikes the one she lives in now.
Esperanza doesn't like what she hears. She believes it was a waste of money.
"Thank you and goodbye and beware of the evil eye" (Alliteration)
Geraldo No Last Name
Marin finally meets a nice guy she dances with him all night. But the next day he ends up dead Marin is distraught. Esperanza doesn't understand that she loved him.
"His name was Heraldo" (Repitition)
Edna's Ruthie
Edna owns the apartment complex near Esperanzas home. Her daughter lives in her complex and she shows her a lot of favoritism.
"The moon is beautiful like a balloon." (Simile)
Her child may have some kind of a disability which is what it sounds like.
Earl of Tennessee
Old man who lives alone. He almost never goes outside. Often has different women come home with him. Definitely highers prostitutes or is a prostitute. Esperanza doesn't understand this due to her young age.
"They don't walk like ordinary dogs but leap and summersalt like an apostrophe and a comma." (Simile)
Young married woman. Very strict and horrible husband. He doesn't let her leave the house so she will have the kids go out and get her a drink.
She wants to go and dance with the older woman but her husband doesn't let her.
"But sweet sweet like the island..." (Simile)
Sally is a girl around Esperanzas age who has a very strict religious family. She sometimes like to wear cool makeup at school but as soon as she starts to walk home she has to rub it off and walk home quiet and by herself. Horrible family unlike Esperanza
Sally is very pretty but is bullied because of her family. Esperanza and her become good friends but she can't do anything at home.
"The boys at school think she's beautiful because her hair is shiny and black like a ravens feathers," Simile)
A Smart Cookie
Esperanza speaks to her mother about her regrets in life. Her mom tells her to not waste her potential and to make something of her life. She wishes that she had danced or sung because she was very good at it.
She still wants to try things but feels she is to old to go and try things.
"And sing with velvety lungs as powerful as morning glories." (Simile)
Minerva Writes a Poem
She used to have a family she was married with two kids. But she left her husband and children because he was an abusive spouse.
She had no power to stop him so she ran fearing for her safety
"Little pieces of paper that smell like a dime" (Simile)
Alicia and I Talking on Edna's Steps
Esperanza is jealous that Alicia has a town to call home. Alicia says Esperanza does but she doesn't think she really does. She never wants to come back to Mango Street after she leaves.
Esperanza doesn't like Mango Street which makes her sad and annoyed that she'll never have a hometown.
"But today she is listening to my sadness." (Personification)
What Sally Said
Sally is still very much abused by her horrible father. She feels that she's an animal. Plays into family thing where not everyone's family is as together as Esperanza.
"He beat her like if she were an animal." (Simile)
People have quiet bad families compared to Esperanza and she doesn't realize this.
The first person who Esperanza has a crush on. He stares at her sometimes. Her parents tell her she is a punk. She just wants to be held by a boy.
"I saw her barefoot painted toenail painted pale pink like a seashell." (Simile)
One of the most important things in Mango Street. Family is very important to Esperanza and she doesn't realize how good her family is compared to other people.
The House on Mango Street
Not the house she wanted or imagined. It is just what her family could find that could work.
Her family is introduced setting up that theme in the first vignette of the story.
"Windows so small you would think they're holding their breath" (Simile)
Described everyone in her family's hair. They all have unique names.
She thinks that her mother has the nicest hair in her family.
"Papas hair is like a broom." (Simile)
Boys and Girls
Esperanza and her Sister are very different. They get along ok but aren't like best friends.
Esperanzas brothers are best friends doing everything together.
"Until then I am a red balloon a balloon tied to an anchor." (Metaphor)
My Name
Esperanza's name come from her Grandmother once again calling upon the significance of Family
She wants to be rebellious like her grandmother. She doesn't want to conform to her cultures standard for women.
"It means sadness it means waiting. It is like the number nine." (Simile)
Esperanza and Ninny agree for once. A house looks like Mexico and Esperanza agrees.
These are the few times Esperanza and Ninny are friends backing each other up against others.
"It looks like Mexico." (Simile)
Those Who Don't
Esperanza and her family are often racially profiled when walking through certain parts of town. People think they will pull out shiny knifes and hurt them.
Yet her family is just as scared of them as they are of her family. Its really sad to see this divide.
"The big one that looks like a dumb grown man." (Simile)
Our Good Day
Cathy and Esperanza see people begging and have two takes on it. Cathy thinks its shameful to beg. Esperanza doesn't because she understands that people need money.
They meet two girls across the street. Cathy doesn't like them so she leaves. They all decide to go in on a bike. They share the bike depending on the days. But today they ride it together.
"The bike is wobbly as if the wheels are spaghetti." (Simile)
And Some More
Esperanza her sister and the two girls across the street get into an argument with each other about snow and clouds Esperanza and her sister think that there are 30 different kinds of.
They then insult each other in creative ways. Rachel and Lucy want to look at clouds and see what they represent in their normal day lives.
"Cumulus, Cumulus. Cumulus." (Repetition)
A Rice Sandwich
Esperanza wants to be like all the other cool kids and eat food in the cafeteria instead of at home.
Her mother lets her do it once but it goes horribly. She ends up spending the whole lunch crying. She realizes it is ok to be different
"I'll be up all night cutting bread into little triangles." (Hyperbole)
Esperanza and her family have a party. Esperanza got a new dress which she hates. She wears sandals or chanclas.
Her mother feels bad and sits down. Esperanza dances with her uncle and her mother is happy.
"My feet swell big like plungers." (Simile)
The First Job
Esperanza wants a job and her aunt gets her a job where she works. She has to lie about her age to get the job. She isn't sure when to eat and also she doesn't know why the other workers don't immediately go back to work.
Eventually she meets an older guy who she becomes friends with. He says its his birthday and asks for a kiss. Esperanza expects a peck on the cheeks but it is full on lips. The guy just takes advantage of her. She is to young to understand.
"He had nice eyes" (Personification)
Esperanza doesn't understand how one day you just get hips. She doesn't know what hips are good for.
She thinks that maybe child birth is why women need hips. Esperanza is very innocent never really understanding certain things like this.
"Hips bloom like roses." (Simile)
Born Bad
Esperanza's aunt randomly got very sick she doesn't know why and thinks that sickness is just random.
Her apartment is in a dark spot of a building with no sunlight. Everything is described as yellow. Yellow has some kind of symbolism.
"The bones have gone limp as worms." (Simile)
No speak Englsih
This family was brought to Mango Street the wife doesn't speak any English despite the Husband asking her to. They eventually have a son who starts to learn English from the tv and he speaks it a little and his mother screams at him.
"She sings in a voice that sounds like a seagull." (Simile)
Sally got married to a marshmallow man who doesn't let her leave the house. He is an abusive man. She runs back to her father who is also abusive just to be in the same situation.
"She likes to look at all the things they own; the towels and the toaster, the alarm clock and the drapes." (Imagery)
Four Skinny Trees
I think Esperanza is like the trees growing up over time and learning about new things and experiences. They were weak trees but they stayed togehter.
"Let one forget his reason for being they'd all droop like tulips in a glass." (Simile)
Bums in The Attic
Esperanza wants a nice big house when she is older. She says she will not forget where she came from and plans to invite the poor in to stay in her attic so they won't have to live like her.
"When we win the lottery my mom begins and then I stopped listening." (Flashback)
Beautiful and Cruel
Esperanza worries she unattractive and won't find a husband fearing not having a family.
"I have decided not to grow up tame like the others waiting for the ball and chain." (Simile)
House of My Own
Esperanza wants to have her own house. Not owned by a man but by her. She wants to sit on her own front porch.
"Clean as paper before the poem." (Simile)
The Monkey Garden
"The family spoke like guitars." (Simile)
This is a garden which was once owned by a rich family with all kinds of plants then they left. Now it is way overgrown and the kids will play here sometimes. Its like there person safe haven
Red Clown
Sally left with somebody and esperanza waited for her and these bos came over and held her down while they kissed her. They took advantage of her.
"Why did you leave me alone I waited my whole life." (Hyperbole)
The Three Sisters
Lucy and Rachels baby sister dies. The whole street gathers at her burial. Esperanza sees three old ladies. She speaks to them and wishes that she can leave Mango Street. One of the old ladies tells her to bring the rest with her and Esperanza feels guilty.
"They came with the wind that blows in August as thin as a spider web." (Simile)
Another theme is Spanish Culture and Esperanza overcoming gender boundaries and becoming her own self.
Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes
Esperanza calls herself a story teller. She says that she is going to tell us a story about a girl who doesn't belong. She then repeats the first part of Mango Street.
"Then the ghost doesn't ache as much." (Personification)