Brave New World

Setting: 2540 ce

The Lighthouse outside of London

London England

New Mexico



Author's Purpose


Bernard Marx


Mustopha Mond

John (Savage)


Perfection is impossible

Utopian societies will always fail

Humans must feel emotion to function

We all are naturally "savages"

Pain can often be a pleasure


Utopia/dystopia fiction

Prove that a Utopian society is actually a dystopia

Predicted what the world would be like if we took pain and emotion away

He pointed out the soma was a drug, which is actually real in today's society

Historical Context

Mentions past wars, Henry Ford, religions etc

Explains the Native American life


"That's the price we have to pay for stability" Mustopha Mond

"Poison to soul as well as body" John speaking about soma.

"Ill teach you; I'll make you be free whether you like it or not." John