Beyond the Sky and earth - analysis
Group 1 - Disemi, Jared, Filipe
Group 2 - Sam, Rayyan
Group 3 - Yusuf, Hayyan
line 54 - end
line 19-53
Title - line 18
Evidence that Zeppa is disappointed
Evidence that Zeppa is Impressed
Evidence that Zeppa is disappointed
Evidence that Zeppa is impressed
Evidence that Zeppa is impressed
Detailed analysis
Additional analysis
Additional analysis
Purpose, Audience, form
"I am full of admiration for this small country that has managed to look after itself so well."
"Earlier names for Bhutan are just as beautiful"
"The Bhutanese are a very handsome people"
Evidence that Zeppa is disapppointed
"It took five different flights over four days to get here," this shows that Zeppa is very tired from all of the distances he had to travel just to arrive to Bhutan.
"on the other side of mountains
are mountains, more mountains and mountains again." This quote shows that Zeppa is disapointed since the landscape is repetitive and the same everywhere.
"They seem to be selling the same things" Zeppa is not impressed by the repetition of sails
"I know the technical explanation for the landscape, landmass meeting landmass"
"plasticky white bread and flavorless red jam in" No one likes bread that is like plastic or jam that isn't flavourful.
I used to wonder what was on the other side of mountains, how the landscape resolved itself beyond the immediate wall in front of you."
The people, "most−dignity, unselfconsciousness, good humor, grace"
"I stay close to
them, hoping to pick up some of their enthusiasm."
Shows her disintrest in the country and look for enthusiasm through her colleagues, which hellps the reader get a glimpse of her attitude towards the country as she talks negatively about it throughout the memoir.
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They seem to be selling the same things:
They seem to be selling the same things: onions, rice,....... There are more signs of the outside world than i expected
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The traffic cops, "Blue-suited policemen stationed at two intersections along the main street direct the occasional truck or Landcruiser using incomprehensible but graceful hand gestures."
Repetition, she uses a lot of repetition when she describes the landscape, with the use of the word of mountains which tells us how the landscape looks, very mountainous. "on the other side of mountains are mountains, more mountains and mountains again."
"Thimphu will never look like New York to me, I think." She doesn't have faith in the growth of Thimphu.
This shows us how adaptive and resourceful the Bhutanese people can be.
She feels warm in their presence and takes a liking to their physical features.
She also acknowledges what the country has done for itself and she admires it which shows us she also takes a liking to not only the country itself but also the people and the people running the country.
she likes there history there and their style of living
Here she uses a list which shows us she finds many good qualities about these people which also influences the readers ideas and views on these people in a very positive way.
This quote shows us that she appreciates their culture and the story and nature behind the landmasses.
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Repetition is used frequently throughout the text when Zeppa is describing the landscape. This shows that Bhutan looks the same everywhere to the point where it can be a little disapointing.
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"The next morning, I share breakfast of instant coffee, powdered milk, plasticky white
bread and flavorless red jam"
Shows her disgust in the bland with the use of the rule of 3
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At the end of the main road is Tashichho Dzong, the seat of the Royal Government of
Bhutan, a grand, whitewashed, red-roofed, golden-tipped fortress, built in the traditional
way, without blueprints or nails.
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"grace−but can find no single word to hold all of my impressions."
The use of the dash tells that she is taking a pause to think of words to describe the people but she is so flattered that she needs a pause to find words.
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