American Sign Language Recognition
Gestural Communication
40% of ASL came from preexisting signs such as Martha Vineyard, home signs, and Native American signs.
60% of ASL comes from old French sign langauge
ASL wasn't considered a language and was viewed as a foreign language compared to english.
"...[Language] is a cognitive system linked to some kind of physical system... Language is not something done by the mouth. Language is something done by the brain, and the mouth happens to be one way it can come out." (stokoe)
ASL research
Stokoe sign language studies
ASL structure: Hand-shape, Location, Movement, Orientation
ASL dictionary
Bellugi's & Klimas's The Signs of Language study of 1979
19 hand-shapes, 12 locations, 24 movements in ASL identified.
English first approach in Deaf education
ASL structure
Units of ASL is hands, arms, eyes, face, head, and body
ASL phonology: hand-shapes, locations, movements
ASL morphology: noun-verb pairs, compounds, contractions, classifiers, and inflectional processes.
ASL Syntax: facial and body behavior to make up a sentence. There are 7 basic sentence types:
Questions: YES-NO question, WH-worded question, Rhetorical question
Negation/ Assertion
Topicalization (topic comment)
Relative clause