“Related to the purpose of the text, what textual/stylistic features are employed in the
personal account, in order to affect the reader?”

Personal account

Glittering generalities


“Imagine being denied the right to govern your own life. Imagine being beaten, stripped of your dignity, deprived food, water, shelter, money, and education.”



evidence/example of real-life tangible impact

Rule of three

adds credibility

A personal story/anecdote

highlights the charity's impact on an individual, rather than simply in terms of numbers

reader feels as though they, by donating, support another human being

evoking sympathy

E.g. “They were held as captives: humiliated, afraid, and powerless.”

common persuasive technique used to add emphasis

repeated use of strong, positively charged, emotive words

e.g. "freedom", "courage", "action"

organisation becomes associated with positive values & emotions

personal pronouns - reader themselves put in an unimaginable situation

reader realises scope of victims' suffering

evokes strong emotions of eg. sympathy

“Munni rebuilds his life”

optimistic, promising, hopeful tone set

sympathetic mood


Evoking emotional response