terminology and population dynamics



-the science of grouping organisms according to similarities in their features

-any taxonomic group is called a taxon

-the grouping of organisms may be subjective and can change as new information becomes available

-domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species


-a group of closely related organisms that resemble each other and can reproduce to form fertile offspring

-separate species may not be able to breed due to:

-differences in behaviour

-anatomical differences

-differences in the number of chromosomes would make fertilisation impossible

-very closely related species may be capable of producing fertile offspring but do not do so naturally (in captivity)

-naming species:

-species are given Latin names so ecologists in all countries can use them

-the first part of the name is the genus, 2nd is the species

-generally the common names of all taxa have lower case letters but some authorities use upper case letters for species names


-process that alters a species gene pool, it can sometimes separate gene pools until they diverge into different species

-driven by survival of the fittest

-over time evolution may produce isolated populations sufficiently different that they no longer interbreed

-although these species are genetically similar they are no longer able to breed (speciation)


-an area or location where a species / community lives

-ecological niche:

-the role a species plays in its habitat

-the way it uses resources and relationships to other species

-in the same habitat 2 species cannot occupy the same niche one will out compete the other and cause population reduction

-population, community and ecosystem:

-population = all the individuals of a single species that live in a area

-community = all individuals of a species that live in a certain area

-ecosystem = the combination of biotic and abiotic features of an area


-a large geographical region with specific climatic conditions and community of species

-all the areas a species can be found named by characteristic vegetation

-distribution controlled by climatic factors


-all of the planet earth inhabited by living organisms - land
surface, soil, water and atmosphere

species diversity and population dynamics

-extreme environments:

-abiotic - temp, and light limits / year

-low species diversity

-fragile ecosystems

-less extreme environments:

-biotic - predation, disease and competition

-near to carrying capacity

-high species diversity

-stable ecosystems

-birth rate:

-determined by the natural ability of the species to reproduce

-lower chance of survival -> higher birth rate

-death rate:

-controlled by environmental factors - disease, drought, predation

-R-selected species:

-can respond rapidly to low survival rates

-reach sexual maturity quicker

-produce many young

-disperse widely

-eg, mice and locusts

-K-selected species:

-recover slowly from pop. declines

-reach sexual maturity later

-produce few young

-live long

-human exploitation may cause unrepairable damage

-eg, whales and elephants

-maximum sustainable yield:

-an understanding of population dynamics is important in monitoring the survival rate and breeding success of a species and to assess its MSY

-MSYs the greatest exploitation possible without causing irreparable damage

-variables to forecast a change in pop. size:

-current pop.

-number of births and deaths

-immigration and emigration numbers

-factors that affect mortality rate:

-density independent factors: where pop. density has no effect on the chances of survival of an individual

-density dependant factors: factors where the chances of an individual surviving depends on the pop. density of a species

-carrying capacity:

-the greatest pop. a area can support indefinitely without causing damage

-artificial population control:

-intervention to control the population through culling to enable the species / habitat survive where natural control measures are no longer in place


-breeding rate of endangered species is low so captive breeding and release utilised

-culling of alien species

-indigenous predator removal -> over population

-more variable populations