Types of Human Trafficking

Forced Labor

Sexual Exploitation

Child Begging

Organ Trafficking


Sex trafficking happens when someone uses violence, coercion, or falsehoods to make someone to perform a sexual act, or using those tactics to have a child perform a sexual act.

Some types of sex trafficking include: pimp-controlled, gang-controlled, familial and cybersex trafficking, and forced marriages.

Many victims experience several physical and mental health problems including, STIs, PTSD, depression and anxiety, abuse from pimps or johns, and develop drug and alcohol problems.

Many survivors have gone on to create organization and campaigns to help other survivors or those currently being victimized. Two examples of these organizations are GEMS and Treasures.

The most common age for children to be forced into sex trafficking is 14 to 16 years old.

Forced begging has been recorded in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

Forced begging can be facilitated by anyone, including family members.

It is typically more common for boys to be forced to beg, because girls are often used for sexual exploitation.

Because children forced to beg often miss out on a proper education, which causes this to become a cyclical issue.

Child begging is defined as forcing any child to beg through physical or psychological coercion.

Typically living donors are often coerced into giving up their organs, rather than people being murdered or put under to have their organs stolen.

The people most commonly targeted for this type of trafficking are impoverished and in need of large sums of quickly.

It is very common for people to travel from richer countries to poorer ones to receive an illegally obtained organ. This is known as transplant tourism or traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of organ trafficking.

It is believed that many people are driven to organ trafficking because of the long waiting lists for organ donation.

Organ trafficking is using force, coercion, or falsehoods to steal or illegally purchase or sell organs.

Child soldiers are typically used in three ways: in combat, as messengers or spies, or for a political advantage.

Enlistments in the U.S., even prior to war, often experience higher risk of attempted suicide, mental disorder, alcohol abuse, and violent behavior.

Child soldiers exist all over the world. Some countries, like the U.S., start recruiting in high school, while others, like Syria, don't verify ages so there is no way to tell how young some children are.

While it is possible for children under 18 to join militaries around the world, the issue comes when children are forced into war without a choice.

Forced labor is defined as the keeping, transporting, or obtaining of a person for work or services through violence or coercion.

Most of the people exploited are forced to work in agriculture or construction.

Forced labor happens all over the world, for all kinds of different products.

Poverty and lack of labor are the most common causes for forced labor.

Women and children are the most common people to be exploited; however, migrants are also very vulnerable.

Children are often targeted for military use because they are more easily manipulated.

While most people trafficked are female, it is still very common for males to be victims as well.


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