The Nervous System Contreras Nathan

Major Functions of the Nervous system

Cranial Nerves And Spinal Nerves

Major Divisions and Subdivisions of the Nervous system


Central Nervous system

Peripheral Nervous system

This is all the nerves from the brain and spinal cord put together. It carries impulses to and from spinal nerves to spinal and cranial nerves to the cranium.

Contains the brain and the spinal cord. This recieves information issues like instruction. Has control over thoughts and emotions, lastly, it's in charge of your memories

Biochemicals that carry signals to synaptic cleft

Anatomy Of the Spinal Cord

Classifications of Neurons and Coverings

Integrative Function

Motor Function

Sensory Function

This Sensory Funtion detects changes in stimuli and withing or outside the body

Analyzes sensory information, stores some parts and makes decisions that seem appropriate.

Responds to Stimuli by initiating muscular contractions or glandular secretions like sweating



Bipolar: One Dendrite and one Axon

Unipolar: Fused Axon and one dendrite

Multipolar: Many Dendrites and one Axon

Dendrites, Cell Body, Mitochondrion, Nucleus, Axon, Schwann Cell, Node of Ranvier, Nuerilemma, Nucleus of Schwann Cell, Myelin Sheath, And Cell membrane of Axon

Cranial Nerves: Olfactory(Sense of Smell) Optic Nerve(Sight) Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal(General Sensation) Accessory, Hypoglossal, Vagus(Taste). Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal

Spinal Nerves: Cervical Spinal nerves, Thoracic Spinal Nerves, Lumbar Spinal Nerves, Sacral Spinal Nerves

The Connection BetweenThe brain and brainstem to the rest of the body. Has 31 pairs of spinal nerves and ends at conus medularis

Reflex Arc

The nerve pathway of a reflex response. Sensory receptor to afferent nerve ending, sensory sends signals to CNS, Synapse to connection between sensory neuron and motor neuron, then delivers a response, effector and target organ

Compare and Contrast The automatic Nervous System

Both Bring the information to the motor neaurons

Soatic: Voluntary, Conscious, Responds to external environment. Automatic: Involuntary, Unconscious responds to internal environment

Action Potential

Nerve impulses transmitting during action potential: only axons are capable of Action Potential