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These Regulations shall apply to a government school and government-aided
school which implement the Special Education.
In these Regulations—
“Code of Practice” means the Code of Practice on Education for Pupil with Special
Educational Needs;
“Special Education Curriculum” means—
(b) the National Curriculum which is modified by the Registrar General;
(c) a curriculum which is specially designed by the Registrar General; or
(a) the National Curriculum;
(d) any skill training curriculum which, in the opinion of the Registrar General, is suitable and beneficial for a pupil with special educational needs;
“pupil with special educational needs” means a pupil who is certified by amedical practitioner, an optometrist, an audiologist or a psychologist, as the case maybe, whether in service of the government or not, as a pupil having—
(a) visual disability;
(d) physical disability;
(c) speech disability;
(e) learning difficulties; or
(b) hearing disability;
(f) any combination of the disabilities, or disabilities and difficulties, referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e);
“Special Education” means an education for a pupil with special educational needs in a special school, or school which implements the Special Education Integrated Programme or Inclusive Education Programme, at the level of—
(b) primary education;
(c) secondary education; or
(a) pre-school education;
(d) post-secondary education;
Requirement to attend probation period
(1) For the purpose of determining the suitability of a pupil with special education needs to attend the Special Education under subregulation 5(1), the pupil shall attend a probation period of not more than three months at a government school or government-aided school.
(2) Upon completion of the probation period referred to in subregulation (1), the school attended by the pupil during the probation period shall prepare and submit a probation period report to a panel.
(3) The panel referred to in subregulation (2) shall consist of the following members
(b) the State Education Department Officer or District Education Officer; and
(c) the Social Welfare Department Officer or Persons with Disabilities Development Department Officer.
(a) the Principal, Head Teacher or Senior Assistant for Special Education
Suitability of attending Special Education
(2) The school which is attended by the pupil during the probation periodshall notify the determination made by the panel under subregulation (1) to the parentof the pupil.
(1) Upon receipt of the probation period report under subregulation 4(2), the panel shall determine on the suitability of the pupil with special educational needs toattend the Special Education.
(1) Any person aggrieved by the determination of the panel insubregulation 5(1) may appeal to the Registrar in writing within thirty days from the date of the notification of the determination.
(2) The determination of the Registrar is final.
Code of Practice
(1) The Registrar General shall prepare the Code of Practice which consists ofstandard procedures that provide guidance in planning, preparing and implementingthe educational programme for a pupil with special educational needs.
(2) The Registrar General may amend the Code of Practice.
(3) Any person who is involved in the implementation of the Special Education shall comply with the Code of Practice.
Implementation of the Special Education
(1) For the purpose of implementing the Special Education—
(b) a teacher shall use the Individual Education Plan; and
(c) a teacher may make modification to—
(i) the teaching and learning methods or techniques;
(ii) the time allocated for each activity;
(iii) the activities arrangement; and
(iv) the teaching aids.
(a) any person who is involved in the implementation of the Special Education shall use the Special Education Curriculum;
(2) Any modification made under paragraph (1)(c) shall be in accordance
with the Special Education Curriculum.
Requirement to attend co-curricular activities
A pupil with special educational needs determined by the panel as suitable toattend the Special Education under subregulation 5(1) shall attend the co-curricular
activities as defined in the Education (National Curriculum) Regulations 1997[P. U. (A) 531/1997] according to the suitability of the pupil.
Duration of education for a pupil with special educational needs
(1) The education for a pupil with special educational needs may be extendedfor a period as follows:
(b) not more than two years in a secondary school; or
(c) one year in a primary school and one year in a secondary school.
(a) not more than two years in a primary school;
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(b), the education for a pupil with specialeducational needs who attends a vocational education in a secondary special educationvocational school may be extended for a further period of one year.
The Education (Special Education) Regulations 1997 [P.U. (A) 532/1997] are revoked.