One of my hobbies are playing basketball with my friends at Mugford Park during spring, summer, and fall. There's usually 9-10 of us at the park and we get games of 4v4 or 3v3 king's court on. Playing basketball is one of my favorite things to do, when I'm bored I just go out to the driveway and start playing ball, during summer break almost every day we go play basketball for about 2-3 hours, during winter break we either go to Parkinson Rec to play drop-in basketball, or either to the YMCA basketball courts. Due to covid this year basketball had gone from an all the time thing, to once in a while. For about 2 months It was just me in the driveway and once Covid got a bit better we eventually started to play again. Basketball is really important to me, not only because it's my favourite sport but because, basketball has really helped me become a leader, a competitor, and has really helped me stay fit both physically and mentally.