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Islam, Friday (Jumah) is the holiest and last day of the week, similar to…
The life of Muhammad
Muhammad (570-632) was born in the Quraysh tribe in Mecca, Arabia, a region that no empire wanted to conquer due to its lack of strategic value.
He saw how materialistic Mecca had become and went to meditate in a cave, where in 609 he was made the messenger of Allah by the angel Jibreel.
Allah wanted Muhammad to spread the message that all were equal on his eyes, which angered the local elite and made his group flee to Medina in 622, the first year of the Hijri calendar.
In 630, he returned to Mecca with an army, though with several rules established by Allah, conquered the city and proceeded to convert the rest of Arabia.
Five pillars of Islam
Charity to the poor, in which Muslims give at least 2,5% of their income if they exceed Nisab, the minimum amount of money one must have before being obliged to give zakat.
During the 29/30 days of Ramadan all adult Muslims must give up food and drink during the hours of daylight, in order to understand the suffering of the poor.
The daily five prayers, done in front of an altar pointing to Mecca, the house of God on Earth.
There are no priests in Islam, as the devouts should have a direct connection to Allah.
The pilgrimage to the Kaaba in Mecca that every Muslim must do once in their lifetime, if possible.
In Mecca they walk in circles around the Kaaba in what is called Tawaf to symbolize their belief in and worship of the one true God.
The creed "I bear witness that there is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God."
Holly books
The word of God transmitted by Muhammad, it is divided into 114 chapters (Surahs), with each of them being divided into verses (Ayat).
The Quran doesn’t follow a narrative sentence, the ayats are simply organized by size.
Tells the actions of Muhammad as seen by his companions, and since it was initially transmitted orally, some versions, such as the one with 72 virgins in heaven, are considered illegitimate.
The Hijab is the most common Muslim veil, with Niqabs and Burkas only being wore in deeply conservative countries such as Afganistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Iran usually prefers Chador.
Such clothing is only mandatory in Iran and Saudi Arabia, though it’s prevalant in most Muslim countries.
The Quran was fairly egalitarian for its time, advocating for the education of women, equal rights and divorce. It also advocated against animal cruelty. Most of the bad stuff is nitpicking.
Sharia means “The Way” and its a guide on how a Muslim should live. Since only 10% of the Quran is about laws, Muslims had to come up with laws that follow Sharia, and they called them Fiqh.
Friday (Jumah) is the holiest and last day of the week, similar to Christian Sunday, being a special day of worship.
In some Muslim countries, such as Iran, Friday replaces Sunday as a day off.
Mecca was great for trade because the prophet Abraham had declared that violence committed there would be punished by God, therefore many different religions and cultures coexisted there.
It is said that Muhammad's favorite color was green and therefore it is the color associated with Paradise and Islam.
In order to prevent idolatry, visual depictions of all the prophets of Islam are prohibited.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the most sacred, for it's when God gave the first chapters of the Quran to Muhammad.
Because he saw accumulation of wealth as wrong, most saw interest loans as riba (unjust).
Prophets from other Abrahamic religions are also accepted, just like the Gospel and the Torah, though they are seen as having been corrupted.
During prayers, a rug is used to prevent touching the dirty floor. The rug contains symbolic art, and its top must point at Mecca during the prayer.