This text has a few key elements, it makes a reader think, it makes them contemplate what has been said, and why this fate is like that. It explores similar themes to the researched items, it explores the feeling of Kafkasque (an unnecessarily complicated and frustrating experience). This experience would be how sisyphus has to carry a boulder up, and let it roll down, for eternity. Useless manual labor. The line “But crushing truth perish from being acknowledged” elaborates on how once you take distance from the past of an old life and focus on the task at hand, then it becomes easier. He basically says that the reality of the situation cannot be changed, whereas his mindset towards it can change. He distanced himself from the joys he used to experience. This explores themes of absurdity (because he has to perform a task forever, that is useless to everyone), and themes of alienation and pain, these were common themes around the authors researched, and apply here because to make things easier sisyphus chose for unhappiness.