

Acording to the types of information they provide

Is it suitable for the purpose?


Profiency test

Achievement test

Diagnosis test

Placement test

Ve la lengua desde una perspectiva funcional

It is based on specific purpose such as discovering if someone can be a trasnlator for a company or when subjects in school are in taken in english

Does not mind the training the person has had in the language

This purpuses must be specified in a early stage of the development process

Can be taken by everybody not just students

No educational purpuses

Guided by an international institution on language abilities

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Tienden a crear un efecto de washback en el trabajo del profesor

It is not realised by teachers

It fullfillls a course's objetives

Establishes how successful a students has become towards those objectives

It is realised by teachers

Establishes how successful a students has become towards those objectives

Final achievement test

Progress achievement test

Ask just what we expect students have encountered

It is based on a syllabus or a material such as a book

Students are asked just what they are expected to encounter

Can be misleading since the sucess in the test may not mean the sucess on the objetives

Cannot be taht applicable to the reality and suitable with the real context



Basar contenido en objetivos y no objetivos en contenido

Apela a los intereses a largo plazo de los estudiantes

Based on language needs

Based on objetives


Contribute to formative assessment

Based on objectives

To measure progress

Must be based on short-terms in order not to discourage the students with bad grades

Pop quiz: a. make a rough check on students and keep the sudents on their toes

They do not form part f the formal assessment

So, how can we create a pop quiz? what's the base?

If the objetives are quit similar to the language need could be the same

To identify learner's strengths and weaknesses


There are few test just for diagnosis since it is necessary to have into acocunt a bunch of items

The ones that exist are not really detailed and reliable


To assign students to classes from different levels

They are commercialy available but not all of them suits every institution

When they are made for use in language school, they are tailor-made. Therefore, they are successful

The user performs the skills we wish to measure

It must be as authetic as possible

It must be as realistic as possible

It can be relatvely straight forward to create condition to elicit a behaviour

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The assesment and interpretation of student's performance is quite straight forward

Likely to have a good backwash effect

Si uno quiere saber si alguien domina conectores, lo pone a escribir con conectores

Si uno quiere saber si alguien es bueno en conectores, lo pone a hacer una actividad en la que debe distinguir cuál es el conector incorrecto

Evalúa habilidades que subyacen a las competencias del test

Evalúa habilidades que no son idénticas y eso se presta para imprecisiones

Trata de resumir manifestationes vaste en ejemplo finito y concretos

¿Qupe habilidades serían necesarias en la mayoría de casos es los que debemos usar la gramática?

Sus resultados son más generalizable

It gives result to very particular and few samples


Although not direct, they smilate direct responses

Discrete point

Integrative testing

We test item by item

The user combines many different language elements as in a sancocho.

Tend to be indirect

Tends to be direct

eg.: cloze procedure

Norm- referenced


It relates one student's result to the rest of the results

No estamos diciendo directamente lo que el estudiante es capaz de hacer, solo comparamos con los otros como en el ICFES

T clasify people according to whether or not they are able to perform a task o set of taksk satisfactorily

It creates standars

Motivate to achive those standars

Can be based on learing objective

Objective testing

Subjective testing

methods of scoring

There no need of judment. E.g.: A multiple choice test in which the correct asnwers i unambogusly identified

Composition tend to be more sibjective

Simple aswers tend to be more objetove

Objetivity is desired by many teaster because of the reliabily it brings and also the practicallity (aplicabilidad)

There no need for strong cantidades to respond to easy items and there no need for weak canditates to respond to difficult items

Computer adpating testing

Oral interviews

A averange difficulty question. if is correct the difficulty raises and if not the difficulty lowers

Communicative language testing

We test the communicative compentence


Be a progressive school

Founding in assessment and accountability

Encourages students to work on disciplie works
Is the kind of work a person in a discipline would do

Simulates future life or prepare for future life

It is meaningful to them so they can propose real changes. It takes the remotions


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Makes teacher more efficient

A window to how students actually learn

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Keeping assessment relevant and authentic

Teacher transmits the impression he is funny, enjoy what he does and likes teaching. Does not think on himself but in his srudents, he is not selfish

It is deelopme by the teacher o reach the skills and the need of their popoulation

It is not necssary to get right the answer

Right answers are due to following the steps

Identify common mistakes

Throwing mistakes back one or two days later

Using mistakes to asses: ponerlos a identifcar errores en una sheet

Connecting the subject with real life and experinence it ina real life situatio

Authetic tasks

Anticipate the problem they are having

Go ouside the 4 wall fo the school

Teacher in SOF show students how do they learning, how do they arrive to the right answers

Assessing as a teaching tool to show them where they are and get them when teacher want them to be