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Atomic Habits - Coggle Diagram
Atomic Habits
my story
life challenge = life-threatening incident and injury
began college at Denison University
focused on getting my life in order
habits like sleeping early and keeping room tidy
minor improvements but gave a sense of control over life
what's a habit? routine or behavior performed regularly and automatically :<3:
sleep habits, study habits, strength-training habits
selected as top male athlete in college
rare accomplishment - fulfilling one's potential :fire:
learning = changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.
quality of our lives depends on quality of our habits; same habits = same results, better habits = anything is possible :<3:
4 step model of habits = cue, craving, response, reward
account for both the influence of external stimuli and internal emotions on our habits.
Why Tiny Changes Make a Big Difference
Surprising Power of Atomic Habits
fate of British Cycling changed one day in 2003
hired Dave Brailsford as the new performance director
his relentless commitment to - the aggregation of marginal gains
philosophy of searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything you do; divide and conquer + compounding
1 percent improvements; determined the type of pillow and mattress that led to the best night’s sleep
British team 5 Tour de France victories in 6 years
Why small habits make a big difference?
easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment; underestimate the value of making small improvements daily :star:
power of compounding; 1% improvement = 37x over a year; 1% decline = 0.03x over a year
does massive success really require massive action?
habits are compound interest of self-improvement; seem to make little difference on a given day; look back 5, 10 years later; value of good habits and cost of bad habits becomes strikingly apparent
slow pace of transformation also lets bad habits slide; 1 unhealthy meal; 1 late night work and ignoring family; 1 procrastination to put the project off to tomorrow
a single decision is easy to dismiss; replicating poor decisions, duplicating tiny mistakes, rationalizing excuses = compound into toxic results :key: :bomb:
3.5 degrees South from LAX takes you to WA instead of NY; such a small change but the destination itself changes if you zoom out
be worried about current trajectory, not current results
Outcomes are a lagging measures of habits
are you reading books and learning new every day
Tiny battles like these will define your future self.
knowledge of learning habits; net worth of financial habits; weight of eating habits; clutter of cleaning habits
Habits are a double-edged sword
Positive compounding; productivity compounds; knowledge compounds; relationships compound
Negative compounding; stress compounds; negativity compounds; outrage compounds
What progress is really like?
ice cube; 25° ... 31° nothing happened; 32° melts
breakthrough moments are result of many previous actions; build up potential required to unleash a major change
crossing critical threshold; early and middle stages of quest; Valley of Disappointment
hallmark of any compounding process; the most powerful outcomes are delayed
why hard to build habits that last; small changes, fail to see tangible results, decide to stop
habits need to persist long enough to break through Plateau of Latent Potential (overnight success) :key:
human equivalent of geological pressure; tectonic plates and earthquake
Mastery requires patience
when nothing seems to help; stonecutter hammering away at his rock; 101st blow it will split into two; not the last blow that did it :bow_and_arrow:
seed of every habit is a small, tiny decision; habit sprouts as the decision is repeated :key:
good vs bad habit; cultivating a delicate flower 1 day at a time vs uprooting a powerful oak within us
Forget about goals, focus on systems instead
as a coach; as an entrepreneur; as a musician
can we completely ignore the goals and still get results? :fire:
only way to actually win is to get better each day; the score takes care of itself
goals are good for setting direction; systems for making progress :star:
Problems with goals
problem #1 = winners and losers have same goals
goal cannot be the differentiator; goals were always the same
implementation of system of continuous improvements achieved a different outcome
problem #2 = achieving a goal is only a momentary change
left chasing same outcome since you never changed the system
treated a symptom without addressing the cause
achieving a goal only changes life for the moment
problem #3 = goals restrict happiness
once I reach my goal, then I will be happy
goals-first mentality = always putting happiness off until next milestone
happiness is always something for my future self to enjoy
either-or conflict = achieve and successful or fail and disappointment
problem #4 = goals are at odds with long-term progress
that's why people revert back to old habits after accomplishing a goal
as they cross the finish line, they stop training
hard work focused on a goal = nothing to push you forward after achieving
purpose of setting goals = win the game; of building systems = continue playing the game
your commitment to process determines your progress :explode:
A System of Atomic Habits
you do not rise to the level of your goals; fall to the level of your systems
Atomic Habits = regular practice, small and easy to do, source of incredible power
Atomic Habit = Little habit that is part of a larger system
How your habits shape your identity and vice versa
changing our habits is challenging
we try to change the wrong thing
we try to change our habits in the wrong way
3 layers of behavior change
identity = changing beliefs, worldview, self-image, judgments about self and others
processes = implementing a new routine; developing a meditation practice
outcomes = losing weight, publishing a book, winning a championship
outcomes = what you get; processes = what you do; identity = what you believe
all levels of change are useful; problem is direction of change
outcome-based habits = focus is on what you want to achieve; identity-based habits = focus is on who you wish to become
"No thanks. I'm trying to quit." vs "No thanks. I am not a smoker."
we miss considering identity change; shifting the way we look at ourselves; our old identity can sabotage our new plans for change
behind every system of actions are a system of beliefs; democracy vs dictatorship; more voters behavior change won't get off the ground in dictatorship; not the identity of the system
Ultimate intrinsic motivation = when a habit becomes part of your identity :check:
I am the type of person who "wants this" vs "is this"; Take pride in aspects of your identity; pride fights tooth and nail to maintain habits. :check: :check: :check:
2 step process to changing identity
habits are how you embody your identity
embody identity of organized person; creative person; athletic person
Identity = essentitas (being) + identidem (repeatedly); "repeated beingness"; you believe your identity because you have proof of it; habits = evidence
gradual evolution; each habit is like a suggestion "May be this is who I am."
why meaningful change does not require radical change; small habits can make a meaningful change by providing evidence of a new identity :check:
habits are the path to changing your identity; change who you are by changing what you do
each time you start a workout, you are an athlete; encourage employees, you are a leader
Step 1 = Decide the type of person you want to be
who is the person who could write a book?
one who is consistent and reliable = identity based
will lead to beliefs like "I am the kind of teacher who stands up for her students."
will lead to questions like "What would a healthy person do?" Walk or take a cab? Order a burrito or a salad?
identity-habits feedback loop; let your values, principles and identity drive the loop rather than the results :key:
Step 2 = Prove it to yourself with small wins
True Behavior Change = Identity Change
Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are :crossed_swords:
Goal is not read a book; become a reader; not to run a marathon; become a runner; not to learn an instrument; become a musician
Behaviors are reflection of identity, the type of person you believe you are :star:
Double-edged sword; identity change can also be a curse
Biggest barrier to positive change at any level = Identity Conflict; Good habits make sense, except if they conflict with your identity
Behavior incongruent with the self will not last
The real reason habits matter
fundamentally habits are not about having something; habits are about becoming someone
channel through which you develop your deepest beliefs about yourself :key: :key:
literally, your habits become you
4 steps to building better habits
1898 Thorndike Experiment
behaviors followed by satisfying consequences tend to be repeated
how habits form
rules guiding our behavior
why brain builds habits
Habit = Behavior that has been repeated enough to become automatic
first time; trial and error; high neurological activity
exploring, exploring and exploring; and a bam - a reward
Habits = Reliable solutions to recurring problems in our environment
with mental if-else rules, level of brain activity decreases
conscious mind; the bottleneck of brain; one problem at a time
brain preserves your conscious attention for most essential task
habits reduce cognitive load; free up mental capacity for essential tasks
habits create freedom
people who do not have habits handled have least amount of freedom
only by making fundamentals of life easier you can create mental space needed for free thinking and creativity
with habits dialed in, basics of life handled well, you are free for next level
Science of how habits work
4 simple steps = cue, craving, response, reward
without a motivation of desire, we have no reason to act
what you crave is not the habit, but the state in state delivered
don't crave smoking, crave the feeling of relief it provides
don't crave turning on the TV, crave being entertained
cues are meaningless until interpreted; thoughts, feelings and emotions of observer transform cue to craving
response = habit performed
reward = end goal of every habit
cue = noticing the reward, craving = wanting the reward, response = obtaining the reward
purpose of rewards
immediately satisfy your craving
which actions are worth remembering in the future
2 phases
problem phase = cue + craving; something needs to change
solution phase = response + reward; take action to achieve the change you desire
continuous habit loop running inside our head
all behavior driven by desire to solve a problem
phone buzzes; want to learn what it is; grab phone and read; satisfy craving; grabbing phone associated with phone buzzing
answering mails; want to feel in control because stressed; bite your nails; satisfy your craving; biting nails associated with answering email
wake up; want to feel alert; drink a cup of coffee; satisfy your craving; drinking coffee associated with waking up
smell a doughnut shop; begin to crave; buy to eat; satisfy your craving; buying a doughnut associated with walking down the street
hit a stumbling block on a project; crave to relieve frustration; pull out phone to check social media; checking social media associated with feeling stalled at work
walk into a dark room; crave to be able to see; flip the light switch; turning on light associated with being in a dark room
how to create a good habit
1st law = cue = make it obvious
2nd law = craving = make it attractive
3rd law = response = make it easy
4th law = reward = make it satisfying
every goal is doomed to fail if we go against the grain of human nature
how to break a bad habit
1st law = cue = make it invisible
2nd law = craving = make it unattractive
3rd law = response = make it difficult
4th law = reward = make it unsatisfying
understand these fundamental laws and answer questions; why I don't do what I say I will do; why I don't make time for things I say are important
1st Law
the man who didn't look right
human brain is a prediction machine
we underestimate our non-conscious activity
you don't need to be aware of the cue for a habit to begin; you can notice an opportunity and take action without dedicating conscious attention to it [both useful and dangerous aspect of habits]
retail clerk on autopilot - cutting customer's credit card
over time cues become so common, essentially invisible; process of behavior change starts with awareness
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. :key: :<3: :check:
Habits Scorecard
conductors on Japanese Railway System;
Pointing and Calling; a safety system to reduce mistakes :check:
effective as it raises awareness of nonconscious habit to more conscious level
verbally calling out packing list before going out for a trip
more automatic a behavior; less likely we consciously think :star:
most failures in performance attributable to lack of self-awareness
we need a Point-and-Score system for our personal lives = Habits Scorecard
don't change anything at first; simply notice what's going on
Step 1 = be on lookout for bad habits; I am going to eat this cookie, but I really do not need it. Eating it will cause me to gain weight and hurt my health.
hearing is powerful; even helps remember a task on todo list
Best way to start a new habit
2001, Great Britain, Researchers worked on 248 people to build better exercise habits; 3 groups (control group to track, motivation group to track, read, motivation group to track, read, SMART plan)
35-38% in Group 1 and 2; 91% in Group 3; Implementation Intention :check:
2 most common cues => Time and Location; leverage via Implementation Intention = “When situation X arises, I will perform response Y.” :check:
Implementation Intention = During the next week, I will partake in at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on [DAY] at [TIME] in [PLACE].
people who make a specific plan for when and where they will perform a new habit are more likely to follow through
many people try changing habits without these basic details figured out; people do not lack motivation; people lack clarity leaving things to hope and chance
we often say yes to little things b/c of lack of clarity on what we should be doing instead
give habits time and space to live in the world
Habit Stacking
French philosopher Denis Diderot; poverty all life; changed in 1765
sold his personal library to Catherine the Great, Russian Empress; married his daughter; bought a scarlet robe
scarlet robe, out of place with his other possessions; like falling dominoes, one purchase led to another = Diderot Effect; a new possession leads to a spiral of consumption
many human behaviors follow Diderot Effect; no behavior in isolation; each action cue to trigger next behavior
use connectedness of behaviors to build new habits = Habit Stacking
“After [CURRENT HABIT], I will [NEW HABIT].”