Gianna's Moral Mind Map. (Click Here for Video)
Helping the Homeless
Uncle Carl
All My Closest Friends
Social Media
Mental Hospital
My friends have saved my life and they don't even know it. Due to my mental illness I have seen my deepest darkest fears and worries that have made me want to end my life. But because of my friends they show me that people care about me and love me. They showed me that without me on this planet they would be so sad and hurt and i could never hurt my friends like that, just a simple phone call or text asking how i am doing makes me realize my worth and importance in this world.
This man has taught me so much about myself and about the world. He has one of the biggest influences on my life by showing me how a man should treat me, how to treat others, how to take care of myself and keep myself safe. We know each other like the back of our hands, he means the world to me and I am so lucky to have him in my life. When I am with my dad i know nothing can hurt i know that no matter i do or say he will always love me.
My uncle has changed my life in ways I can not imagine. He showed me my self worth and how important I am in this world. He always greeted me with a smile and a huge hug saying I was getting more beautiful, smart and taller every time he saw me. He had a big impact on my life when I lost him to cancer. It shattered my world that he was never going to see me graduate, get married and have children, and that my partner and children would never get to meet him. But knowing he is watching over gives me the strength I need to get up in the morning.
This man has taught me so much about myself and about the world. He has one of the biggest influences on my life by showing me how a man should treat me, how to treat others, how to take care of myself and keep myself safe. We know each other like the back of our hands, he means the world to me and I am so lucky to have him in my life. When I am with my dad i know nothing can hurt i know that no matter i do or say he will always love me.
She was a very big influence in my life and basically raised me growing up. I saw her twice a week and would gather for dinners and family gatherings at her house and just remember those were the best times of my life. When i was in her presence or got to hear her voice or even hug her i just felt safe and i felt like i could be whatever i wanted to be in that moment. She was my first big loss as a child; she passed away due to cancer and her death has still very much changed my life for better and for worse. Losing her felt like losing a part of myself that i know will never be able to feel again until we both meet again in heaven.
This has shaped how I want to contribute myself into helping our world. Helping those who are less fortunate than myself is how I want to spend my life doing. Knowing there are people out there with so much potential in making it bigger in life drives me to do my best so i can later help those people.
This sport has taught me the importance of teamwork and pushing yourself to the limit. I have never had such passion to get better at one thing like I do for volleyball, volleyball keeps me in shape both physically and mentally. Working together with my team shows me that I am a leader and having the right people on your team you can achieve anything.
This is a very hard and sensitive part of my life I do not share with most people. I suffer from depression and anxiety and during covid it got worse to situations that are hard for me to look back on. Going to mental facilities throughout covid had both a positive and negative effect on me and how I see life. The first two times i was admitted i did attempt suicide but i was able to reach out for help. I was able to stay strong during such dark times and fight through to try to get better. But having a mental disorder gets in the way of my day to day life, struggling with school, friends, family, and just getting out of bed in the morning. But I would not change anything because of my illness. I am stronger than ever.
These people in my life have helped me with my mental illness and pushed me to do better and to live for myself and make me see that my life has so much to offer. Meeting such amazing therapists throughout my life has shown me and given me hope that even when I struggle with the darkness of my head I can still be able to climb out of that hole and live my life.
I have mixed feelings on social media just because it has made my life better and worse. Worst just because I seem to compare myself to models or people with money and people traveling. I tend to think my life sucks compared to them and how lucky they are. Better because I see inspiring quotes, artists, poems, people who are living their life the way they want and they are happy no matter how rich or poor. That has shown me to love my life because I have an amazing family and friends and that's what makes my life amazing.