Pre Assessment for Differentiation
15 question Kahoot! Quiz
Students got a perfect score on the quiz
Students got 3 or fewer questions wrong
Students got more than 3 questions wrong
Team Cytoplasm
Escape the Cell (online escape room activity)
The escape room requires a strong understanding of animal cells and their organelles.
These students find clues and answer riddles and questions to escape the animal cell.
Team Mitochondria
Small group presentations
The students review the material and draw on each other's understanding of the topic to fill their knowledge gaps.
These students work in 4 groups of 3 to create a presentation that explains the make up of animal cells, and the functions of their organelles.
Team Nucleus
The students need to do further research to complete the escape room, furthering their understanding of animal cells, and their organelle functions.
The students have full control over their presentation format, but must have it completed by the end of the class.
Lesson review with the teacher
Once reviewed, the students retake the Kahoot! Quiz to check their comprehension
Once the students understand the topic, they get a head start learning the next topic
The students use The Body VR. The immersive learning environment will greatly benefit the ELL and special education students who will be able to engage with huge animal cell organelles.
The next topic is plant cells.
The students learn about the unique organelles of plant cells and how the cells are different from animal cells
This gives the students the chance to help their peers learn in the next class. It will boost confidence and morale among students who often may not score as highly as their classmates