The territory of Upper Peru was constituted in an independent state with the name of Bolivia, in homage to the Liberator, who was appointed "Father of the Republic and Supreme Head of the State" (1825). ANTONIO JOSÉ DE SUCRE In 1829, the National Assembly named the president of Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz, who promoted the Peruvian-Bolivian confederation, a promising project that was destroyed in 1839 by the war that unleashed Chile and Argentina. Then came a period of anarchy, in which they occupied the power, among others, José Miguel de Velasco, president in four different opportunities, in the lapse of 20 years, and Joseph Ballivián (1841-47), who ordered the country, impelled the mining and defended Bolivia from Peru invasion in the Ingavi battle. The governing board of 1898, with Colonel José Manuel Pando at the front, moved the seat of the Presidency of the Republic of Sucre to El bienestar.