Professional Practice

Strategic Affairs

Legal matters

Marketing Affairs

Financial affairs

Goals and Strategic Objectives

Plans and Strategies

Strategic goals

Strategic objectives

Strategic goals include large objectives to which
you want to get there through strategies.

Your strategic goals detail small steps towards your goals. These small steps become goals to achieve larger ends.

The strategies are made as a plan and the action plan is the
step by step process of how to carry out that plan.

The strategy is the mental part of reaching a goal, the plan of
Action is the physical part of reaching a goal.

The strategy and the action plan are complementary to each other and both are integral to achieving a goal

Legal Procedures - MEDUCA

Other Legal Procedures

Draft Law No. 024

That modifies the Organic Law of Education and dictates other

Create a Public Limited Company (S.A.)

• Contract Public and Private Services

• Opening a bank account

enlist the staff

You have to open a bank account, a procedure that must be doneOpening a bank account after having created the company and after having obtained the Notice of Operation

The S.A. are the system by which 90% of the
Panamanian businesses. The protection it offers of identity of its shareholders and limitation of capital and assets of the
society on risky occasions, it is the ideal instrument to to be able to separate the investment made by the partners from the personal assets of the owners.

Then you can contract the services
public (water, electricity, telephone, etc.) and private (Internet, cable,etc.), as supported by the documents of the constitution of the
society and the Notice of Operations.

The contracted personnel must be registered with the Ministry of
Work and in Social Security or CSS.

Market study

Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place and Promotion)

The market study is an analysis where the collection and evaluation of all the factors that directly influence the supply and demand of the product is carried out. Among its objectives is to determine the segment of the market to which it will focus, as well as the quantity of the product to be sold.

The Price is what you pay daily in your transport, what you gave to get into the movies and what your dad paid to buy that car that you like so much.

The Plaza is the shopping center where you met your
friends for ice cream, the dealer where you bought your car part,

The Product is the good or service that you consume, it is the Coca-Cola that you drink in the afternoon, the CD that you bought from your favorite group.

Promotion, within which is the commercial that you hit on T.V., the fence of that beautiful woman offering a beer.


Budgets and Outlook


Business Plan (Bank)

Investment is an economic term, with several related meanings such as saving, the location of capital, and the postponement of consumption.

Financing or financing is known as the mechanism through which money is provided or a loan is granted to a person, company or organization so that it can carry out a project, acquire goods or services, cover the expenses of an activity or work, or meet your commitments to your suppliers.

Budgeting with a gender perspective includes activities and initiatives to prepare budgets or analyze policies and budgets from a gender perspective.

A banking business plan plays a key role
in the establishment and development of a bank.