planning marketing

marketig strategic /mix

strategic planning

1 . what meaning of strategic planning :

process of developing and maintaning a strategic fit between the organization goals and its changing marketing opportunities

they have 2 keyword when talking about the strategic planning

servies and growth of organization

  1. Process strategic planning
  1. mission



they are 3 objective to be succeful the mission :

Strategic planning

for example : increase a sales when year will end

something is real to get achievable

identify the strategic planning that want to achievable ....

  1. Portfolio

meaning of potfolio : the collection of businss and product that make up the company ...

for example of portfolia is panasonic electric

the have 2 objective of this portfolia :

  1. Attrativeness - that use in the market

2 . Strenght - market share in the industry .

The have 2 designing the business portfolia ..

Current business - decide which business should receive more , less or no investment

Future portfolio : developing strategies for growth and downsizing

Matric of relative market :

high : star - Things / people that get higher attention

For example : Siti Nurhaliza

2 . cash cow : object or human exits but they do not get more attention compared to star..

  1. Question mark - For example , prigles . This product is widely sold in the market but the demand for people to buy is less . The soluction is these prigles releasing their new product .

Another Matric

2 . market development

for example : Johnson baby . They do not only selling a product to the baby but they development to the mother of baby also .

For example : brand nike . That we know that brand more for atlets . But in this time , we also see children also use that brand .

  1. Market penetration

For example : market that selling most 20 year . For example like KFC , MC Donald

3 . Diversification

A new business or market . Depends on company that you do .

for example : Airasia , colgate


New product : MC Donald and KFC . This market always come out the new produt

For example : before this KFC only selling a chicken but right now they also selling a burger .

2.1 : Partering to build customer relationshirp

  1. Value chain - Partening with other company

For exampe , value chain they will carry out value - creating activities to design , produce , market and other .

The sucess of value chain depands on how well each department perform its work .

Example , MC DONALD . They so many people going to the mc donald . It not because a food is delicious but the offer and services that was make of that particular .

2.3 Marketing strategy and marketing mix

defined : is a logic by which the companies hopes to achieve profitable relationship .

Marketing intermediaries




Divison of a market into distinct groups of buyer who have different need , chracterists or behviour


PROCESS OF evaluating each market segment attractives ansd selecting one or more segment to enter .

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For example , Yakult offer the 2 types of tastes

Marketing positioning

Is the arranging for a product to ocupy a clear ,distinctive and disirable places relative to competing products in the mind of a target consumer

Differentation : developing the market offering to create superior customer value .

  1. product

2 . price

3 . Promotion

  1. Distribution

for exampe , Quality , design

list price , discount

adversiting , personal selling

location , inventory